chapter 29

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Harry's POV


I gave her a tour, showing her the rooms she seemed so excited to see. It was strange having her here, it was nice but new. After we came back downstairs she plopped herself on my couch, saying something about how she would have to sell her kidney to afford one that soft.

I just chuckled and handed her a water, hearing her mumble a small thank you. I was a bit apprehensive about bringing her here, I knew she didn't have a huge home or amazing apartment and thought bringing her here would be kind of a slap in the face, but she didn't seem to mind.

I wanted a nice day with her, spending it here in my home, her laughter filled the usual silence of it.

I sat down next to her, trying to hide the smile as she curled herself up next to me, resting her head on my shoulder. She let out a small sigh and an hour or two into a random tv show I realized she had fallen asleep,


She didn't say anything, her breathing even and quiet. I smiled softly, lifting her head up as she grumbled something under her breath. I picked her up, one hand under her knees, the other on her back as I walked to my bedroom, laying her on the bed and tucking her in.

I stared for a second as she snuggled herself into the blankets, her cheeks getting smushed and her lips parting slightly. I leaned down and removed some of the hair from her face, kissing her forehead.

I turned off the lights and closed the door behind me, a strange feeling taking over me from the thought of her in my bed. It all seemed so natural with her.

The doorbell rang, making me want to go back and make sure she's still asleep. But I decided to go open the door so there's less noise, I wanted to let her sleep.

I opened the door, my happy mood immediately going down as I see a familiar blonde in front of me.

"Alicia? What are you doing here? How'd you get in the neighborhood?"

She seemed surprise at my hello, about to make her way inside as I moved in front of closing the door behind me. I frowned slightly, seeing her chipper mood. "Remembered the code from last time, you busy? Let me come in!"

I shook my head, grabbing both of her shoulders in my hands and kneeling down to her level. "Alicia you can't keep showing up here whenever you please, okay?"

She had shown up a few times before, most of the nights ending up with her naked in my bed. That was months ago, the first time I thought it was cute, the second time weird but admirable that how persistent she was. But now it was getting out of control.

"What do you mean?" She pouted, trying to walk towards my door but I stopped her. I opened my mouth to speak but a new expression took over her face, I knew it all too well.

Jealousy. Maybe a hint of rage too.

"Wait a second, is that bitch there?" I loosened my grip a bit, not expecting her language. "Excuse me?"

"That- that girl. From the party! Is she in here? You got a new booty call already didn't go Harry, what about me?" She asked, her voice getting a little too loud. I ran my hands though my hair and sighed, "I'm not having sex with Ember, Alicia! she means more to me than that!"

Shit, I probably shouldn't have said that.

Her jaw dropped and offense took over her face, "Wow, so that's her name. Really Harry? Do I mean nothing to you then?" I shook my head, not knowing what to do. "That's not how I meant it Alicia, of course I care about you, but right now is not the best time."

"Is she here or not?"

"She is but-" Alicia pushed me to the side, walking to the door and going inside before I could stop her, "Oh Ember! Get your ass down here" She yelled, taking off her ear rings and throwing them on the floor.

That's not a good sign.

"Alicia, you need to leave. Come on" I said, my voice growing a bit sterner. "No Harry. I'm not leaving until I give that whore a piece of my mind"

I slammed my hand onto the counter "That's enough Alicia! Get the fuck out of here" I yelled, causing her to jump. I leant down to grab her ear rings, grabbing her hand and giving her them. I stared her in the eyes, her own looking frightened.

"Alicia," I said, a teasing tone in my voice as she calmed down "There you are Harry" She went to play with the buttons on my shirt, but I pulled them of.

"I'm gonna need you to get the fuck out."

Her movements halted, her eyes wide as she looks up at me. "What?"

"Get your shit together, leave my home, and watch what you say about Ember."

She shook her head slightly, looking at me like she didn't even know me. "Harry, but I-"

"Now. Leave Alicia." She huffed out some air,
whining and grumbling as she stomped out. As she was by my front door she turned back around, opening her mouth to speak but not getting a chance as I slammed the door in her face.

I locked it and headed back upstairs to check on Ember, seeing her still fast asleep. I threw my button up on the floor, taking my shoes off and slipping under the covers. I stayed on my side but felt a weird ache in my chest as Ember turned around in her sleep and placed her head on my chest, wrapping her leg over my own.

I saw the rose ring on her finger, it shining slightly. I looked down at her, seeing her slightly messy hair, her plump parted lips, and closed tired eyes.

She looked so beautiful.

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