chapter 62

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He carried to me the bathroom, placing me on the counter as he walked to the shower and turned on the water, placing his hand under the stream to check the temperature. He came back and held my hips, bringing me down and leading me to the shower. I sighed in relief as soon the hot water hit my back, my muscles needing the soother.

Harry handed me the shampoo bottle I had bought for us after I found out he used 3 in 1 shampoo, I gave him a nice lecture about how his hair is a great feature of his and he'll be balding by the time he's 30 if he keeps using this shit.

I smiled as I reached for it, massaging some in my hair then pouring some more into my hand, raising my hands to Harry's head and doing the same to him. He towered over me but let me continue, holding me close as I washed his hair, his eyes closing and chest heaving up and down as we cleaned ourselves up.

"Might have found an apartment" I murmured as I washed the shampoo out of my own hair, grabbing a small cloth and putting soap on it, washing Harry's chest as he looked down to me. "What?" he asked, his voice low and tired. I met his eyes and bit my lip, not knowing exactly how to say this. "I found a place that might be in my price range, they said they'll call me to let me know if I got it"

It's not that I wanted to leave, but I knew I couldn't live with Harry forever. He's heading back to London in a month and I'm not going to be here by myself, and I'm not going to force him to stay.

"Is it nice?"

I smiled softly and nodded, looking up at him "Yeah, it's really pretty, nice view too." He nodded and stuck out his bottom lip, "Well if you like it I like it" he leaned down to kiss my forehead, stroking his hand down my hair. I was glad he wasn't too upset about this, and if he was he was hiding it well.

We came out of the shower soon after, Harry handing me a towel as we walked back out of the bathroom into the bedroom, not bothering to change into clothes.

He fell asleep fast as his face rested on my chest, my hand running through his drying hair. I was going to miss the nights falling asleep like this, and being able to sleep without waking up every couple of hours.

If Harry didn't have to go back to London so soon I would've waited longer to find an apartment. To be fair I was excited to decorate, to choose which furniture could go where and which colors look best.

But as I thought it about it, this all sounded so much more fun with Harry by my side. I knew I was getting too attached, that Mason was right and he could leave me if he wanted to. I'm just praying he doesn't.

Alicia came into my mind, she might have been a bitch but she's beautiful. If someone like that with an amazing personality who's to say Harry wouldn't leave me?

I shook my head, no no, I can't think like that. Especially now, especially since things are so good between me and Harry. We've said I love you which is a pretty big deal, a milestone if you will.

He shuffled a bit on my chest, moving his cheek upwards as his eyes fluttered open. "Why are you still awake love?"

I felt myself smile a bit as I looked down at him, "Not feeling very tired" I shrugged, and he shot me a look, sitting up and leaning on his arm. "Come on Ember, what's on your mind?" he asked, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

I sighed and looked down at the covers, fiddling with his fingers as I talked. "I don't know, just thinking a bit, it's nothing much to talk about" I looked back up and softly pressed my lips against his, "I have work tomorrow and can't fall asleep" I groaned as I rested my head on his shoulder, leaving small kisses on his neck.

"Yeah? Here," He moved us so we were both on our sides but close to each other, he moved the covers over us and rested his hand on my waist, trailing his up and down my spine. It felt nice and I let out a small hum as I closed my eyes, my forehead touching his chest.

I felt his body vibrate a bit as he hummed a soft melody, one I didn't recognize, but it was beautiful. His voice was low and soft, like velvet.

I felt my body feel heavy, close to sleep as his melodic voice started to sound quieter as I fell asleep.

"Goodnight Ember"

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