chapter 6

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I could barely sleep last night, which was nothing new. But this time I had a reason, this all felt so fake, like I was in a big prank show. But I wasn't and I was actually going to see Harry today, no rush, just us catching up.

Although I was nervous about what Chelsea said, I'm still excited. I got up to take a shower and brush my teeth, throwing on an outfit I had put together last night when I couldn't sleep.

It was a bit colder out today, which I was also happy about, I always preferred colder weather

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It was a bit colder out today, which I was also happy about, I always preferred colder weather. I heard a knock on my door, making my heart pick up a bit, I saw Chelsea through the peephole and smiled as I opened the door. She looked at my outfit and looked impressed, "Wow, okay. Looks like you don't need my help after all"

I smiled proudly, moving aside to let her in. "Thanks, you think I look okay? Be honest." I close the door behind me as Chelsea looks me up and down, tapping her chin with her finger. "The outfit yes, but you should let me do the makeup and hair."

I pout, "Makeup and hair? I thought I would just go like this" and I hear her audibly laugh as she makes her way to my bathroom, getting my makeup bag and hair curler. "I love you, with all my heart, but you cannot go out with Harry fucking Styles with no make up or hair done. If the paparazzi sees you they'll think your his long lost sister or something!"

"Why is that so bad? It's not like it's any of their business." I say, frowning as Chelsea places me on a stool while putting my hair up in a quick bun, starting on my makeup. "I know you don't care, but trust me. Celebrity fans are like private detectives, they'll find out who you are in a matter of minutes, Ember."

My stomach churned again, the thought of everyone being in my business and trying to find out who I am makes me nervous. What if they don't like what they find out?

"Please stop talking, I feel nauseous." I groan, trying to get my mind off of it. "Oh, right I'm sorry. Here, I'll play some music!" She said, putting the makeup brush down and pulling out her phone, clicking shuffle on her playlist.

Sweet creature started playing.

I yell out and cup my face in my hands, "Chelsea!!" I say, although it sounds muffled. I hear her laugh as she shuts the music off, playing some random generated playlist instead. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry" She chuckles, continuing my make up. I huff out some air and close my eyes as she starts eye shadow.

"So what do you think you guys will talk about, not having seen each other for like, a decade."

Hmm, I didn't really think about that. "I'm not sure, I'll probably just ask him about his career and what he did in London after I left." Chelsea stepped back and plopped down on the floor, "God this is going to be a disaster."

I sat up,"What? No it's not! Don't say that" I bite my nails, thinking about it and getting nervous. "You really think it's not going to go well?"

Chelsea knelt down, holding her head up with her hands, looking deep in thought. "I have an idea."

Before I could ask what it is, she walked to her purse, rummaging around for a bit before handing me a small device. "What is this?" I asked, she turned on a phone, typing a bit. After a minute the device turned on, a small blue light glowing.

I shot her a questioning look as she smirked, never a good sign.

"Mini blue-tooth phone call!" she yelled as if it were obvious. It took me a minute, then realizing what she meant. I threw the small device back at her and shook my head violently, standing up. "No, NO! There's no way I'm letting you ruin my date by listening in on it!"

I was about to walk out, of my own home, before she stopped me by grabbing my arm. "Ember, your date is going to be ruined if you don't do this" she wiggled her eyebrows at the word 'date' which I hadn't even realized I said and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine. Now finish helping me get ready please."


Chelsea had finished my makeup and hair, leaving it in layers and curtain bangs. A look I actually quite enjoyed.

The makeup seemed way to bold for me at first, but ended up matching with the clothes I had decided on the night before

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The makeup seemed way to bold for me at first, but ended up matching with the clothes I had decided on the night before. The plan she had come up with still seemed way to crazy for me. This is the kind of thing that always goes wrong, I just hope it doesn't this time. She had talked me into it, and at the time it didn't sound like a terrible plan.

But as I stood in front of my work place, my hair covering the small device in my ear, I could've been convinced I had gone crazy.

Chelsea wouldn't stop talking and I heard everything.

"This is so cool! It's like I'm going on a date with Harry Styles too"

"Calm down," I whispered, "As soon as I feel comfortable enough to do this on my own I'm hanging up"

"Yeah yeah, I know. It's just exciting because" I heard her gasp, "Oh my god, I can see him. He's a block away!" I tensed, trying my best to look natural when I probably looked stiff.

Chelsea was in a tinted car, the plan being to discreetly follow us and to help me talk to Harry. I looked to my left, seeing the familiar build of him, "Oh god" I whispered, hearing Chelsea giggle in my ear. Still felt really creepy.

He was wearing white pants, that fit him perfectly while still being a bit big. Tucked in was a black button up, two buttons still opened. A small earring was shining from his ear as he whistled while walking. I felt my nerves kick in and my stomach start to squirm.

"Relax, you'll do fine." Chelsea said, her voice calming me. "Thanks" I met eyes with Harry, who immediately smiled and I felt my heart beat a little faster as I smiled back, waving to him. He caught up to me, holding his hands up as he went in for a hug which I quickly accepted. "Hello, Love" He said against my ear, and I could tell Chelsea was trying not to freak out.

"Hi Harry"

As he pulled back Chelsea squealed in my ear, making me grimace bit, which Harry noticed. "You alright?"

I nodded fast, "Yes- uh my ears are just ringing a bit" I smiled, wanting to change the subject. "Oh okay" he chuckled, "Coffee?" He asked, pointing towards the cafe I worked at.

"Sound good, let's go"

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