Chapter 101

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Liam and Niall are coming today at 3, it's currently 12. We got kicked out of the bar last night for starting a fight, and banned for a year. Which seemed fair because both men left with broken noses and a few nasty bruises.

I apologized to Zayn Louis and Harry, making sure their own wounds and little marks were all patched up. They didn't even seem to mind though, telling me they would've done it again and again. I couldn't help but feel a little bind grow between us all, as if we'd been friends for years.

Harry was right.

Speaking of Harry, he wouldn't keep his eyes off of me, making sure I'm okay every few minutes.

"Are you sure they didn't hurt you?"

"Harry I'm sure."

"Did they say anything? Threaten you in any way?"

"No Harry"

"Are you okay?"


And I was telling the truth, for some crazy reason that I wasn't sure of, i was totally fine with the whole ordeal. Of course, in the moment I was freaking out a bit but that's a given. But right now I felt okay, not like I was going to freak out and lock myself in our room for the next week. Harry has really helped me with that sort of thing, I think.

"We should head to the airport, pick up the rest of the boys and get something to eat. Yeah?" Harry asked me, we were both still laying in bed facing each other. We had all been up pretty late last night, after everyone calmed down we had a few beers by the couch and talked.

I don't necessarily remember what we talked about but there was never a dull moment, never an awkward silence where no one knew what to say.

They really did feel like family. 

My nerves had set in again though, I still had a bunch Harry's friends to meet, which included today's guests. "Okay, everyone's coming with right?" Harry nodded, playing with a strand of my hair with his fingers.

He seemed to be deep in thought, he hadn't said much in the last few hours we had been awake, just humming small notes of responses as I talked.

He suddenly grabbed my waist, pulling me in close against his chest and pressing his lips against mine. I squealed out of surprise and shut my eyes, smiling against him as he kissed me.

He pulled back after a second and I had to catch my breath, "What was that for?" I asked, running my hands through his messy curls.

"We're getting married tomorrow"

I inhaled a short breath, remembering what tomorrow was. Everything had totally slipped my mind last night and the last few hours. It is crazy to think tomorrow we'll be husband and wife.

Cheesy I know, but still crazy.

"We are" I smiled, tracing my finger over his newest tattoo, feeling his muscles tense under it.

I jumped as something slammed against our closed door, Finnys ears perking up from between us. I leaned on my forearms, looking at the door as Harry did the same. After a few seconds there was some loud knocking, "Do you happen to have any food in here? Your whole kitchen is fucking empty!" Louis' voice yelled through the walls, then a quieter bang followed by an "Ow!" I raised a brow and looked at Harry in confusion which cleared up quickly.

"What was that for?" Louis yelled, then Zayns own came in, "Don't be rude!" I let out a loud laugh as I sighed, getting off the bed but getting stopped as Harry grabbed my arm. I looked back at him, seeing him stick out his lower lip subtly in a pout.

"Stay in bed" His grumbly voice said as I felt my heart melt.

I leaned towards him and pressed my lips against his forehead, hearing a content sigh leave his own. "I have to feed our three little devils" I said, referring to Finny, Louis, and Zayn. Harry chuckled softly, mumbling a fine.

I smiled and stole a large grey hoodie from his side of the closet, throwing it on as I had a pair of his boxers on as well. My wardrobe mostly consisted of his clothes at home anyways.

I opened the door to see Louis still standing in front of it, Zayn now downstairs on the couch. "There we are, good mornin love" He said, a small smile on his face.

I grinned at him and said good morning, Finny running down to the kitchen knowing it was dinner time.

"So... what's for breakfast?"

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