chapter 74

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Waking up without Harry next to me in our bed was a strange feeling, foreign. I dreaded the day ahead of me, knowing I had to see Owen today.

I wasn't very scared of getting fired, I'd find another job eventually. What I wasn't looking forward to was another one of his sorry excuses, he really drew the last straw with the shit he pulled.

I rubbed my eyes to keep awake as Finny rubbed her head against my arm in a greeting, purring as I scratched behind her ears. I reached over for my phone to see a new email.

To Whom It may Concern,
Recently new information has come to our attention that the manager of Rae's Cafe, Owen, has several complaints regarding him. He will be suspended from work until further notice.


I stared at the screen and reread the email about 3 times, refreshing it and reading it again to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

I looked towards Finny and let out a short laugh, going to grab my phone wanting to call Harry when I saw Chelsea's name pop up on the screen.

"Chelsea you'll never believe what I just saw-"

"Did you see them?" Her frantic voice interrupted me making my brows push together, "See what?"

"The paparazzi photos of Harry, Ember! It's everywhere!" My heart dropped slightly as I frowned, I hadn't checked gossip sights and the news about celebrities because I wanted to ignore the drama and rumors.

"What photos, Chelsea" I asked, Finny laying down beside me. "I'll send you the link."

"No wait-" She hung up before I could protest and seconds later I received a text from her, chewing the inside of my cheek as I debated if I should click on it or not.

Maybe I should just call him, yes that's what I'll do.

I dialed his number as my heart picked up with the thought of hearing his voice, my smile dropping as it went to voice mail on the second ring. Finny meowed at me and I sent her a look, "He's the one who didn't answer!" She stood up and jumped off the bed, walking through the open door and into the living room, leaving me alone.

I groaned and pushed the link Chelsea had sent me, the title of the news article starting off frighteningly.

Styles spotted with new boo?

I felt a sour taste in my mouth as I scrolled down, seeing pictures of him in London.

But he wasn't alone.

He was with a blonde haired girl, her hair up in a bun and a bright smile on her face. The photo sequence was them meeting at a restaurant, my eyes watering as I realized it was the restaurant he had taken me to.

I scrolled down more and saw how he greeted her with a really friendly hug, holding both of her hands as he talked to her with a smile.

His smile disappeared as he saw the camera, i'm assuming, a frantic look on his face as he grabbed a tiny box she had given him, heading off to God knows where.

I shut off my phone and decided to call him again, the tears streaming down my face as I suspected the worst. It went to voicemail again, hearing the beep.

"Hey Harry, won't guess what Chelsea just sent me." I said with a sniffle, "Call me back? Need to talk to you" I hung out and rubbed my wet eyes, standing out of bed and walking downstairs.

I paced and paced as my thoughts did the same, jumping to my phone as I heard it ding.

From: Harry
Got your message, will call you later

That's it? I groaned frustratedly but didn't text back, running my hands through my hair, not knowing what to do.


I had dinner with my mom, throwing on the first clothes I saw and driving to her house.

She opened the door and I watched her expression soften as she saw me, "Honey? What's wrong?"

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She opened the door and I watched her expression soften as she saw me, "Honey? What's wrong?"

After that she brought me to the living room and sat next to me, Carter bringing me a cup of tea after I allowed him to listen in. He wasn't the worst.

I told them about dinner, and how he gave me a key and asked me to move in. I told them about how he found Finny and how I jumped in a trash for her.

Then I told them about how he had to go to London to 'grab his belongings' and how Chelsea sent me the paparazzi photos; which I then showed them as well.

"I don't think you should be worried, Sweetheart" My mother's soft voice said, making my head shoot up. "What?" She exchanged weird looks with Carter then looked at me. "I doubt there's anything to worry about"

I felt my frustration grow as I stood up, putting my bag over my shoulder and frowning. "Mom come on! he won't answer my calls, sending me short texts with no meanings! There's got to be something going on!"

She tried to calm me down but I shook my head, storming out and driving back home.

What the fuck is going on.

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