chapter 24

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"Oh- sure, yes thank you" I said, picking up my bag and walking to the chair he had set up for me next to him. I made sure not to touch any of the buttons, didn't want to make a bad impression.

"So you went to school with him?" Mitch said, I shot
my head up, not expecting him to make conversation but nodded. "Yes, uhm until grade 5. Had to move to New York" Mitch nodded, not saying anything else. I rolled my lips, trying to think of a topic to talk about.

I hated small talk.

"So... how did you get into touring and making music with Harry?" I ran my hand through my hair, a nervous habit. He fidgeted some more on the panel, eventually answering. "There was actually supposed to be someone else playing guitar, but he couldn't make it so a mutual friend of ours called me to step in." I nodded as he spoke, taking in every word.

A loud beep played and Harry's voice spoke over the speakers. "Hey Mitch, record this yeah?" He nodded, clearing his throat, pressing a few buttons and clicking one that was connected into a microphone, speaking into it. "Alright, go ahead."

As soon as the words left his mouth Sarah started playing a steady beat on the drums, as Harry played a beautiful chord progression on the guitar, humming a melody to go along with it.

That's how most of the day went, and each time they recorded something I watched in awe to see how they worked.


"You ready to go home?"

I stopped spinning around in my chair, holding onto the panel and staring at Harry.


I blinked a few times, nodding happily and saying my goodbyes to Mitch and Sarah who decided to stay for a while. It had started to get dark as we walked in the parking lot to Harry's car. "I have one more place to bring you"

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow "Harry. I'm here for like 4 more days we have time." He laughed but shook his head "I know I know, but we have to go today. Just trust me"

I sighed and blushed looking down at the ground as I stepped into the car, "Okay. But let's make it quick yeah? I'm tired" I said playfully, pushing his shoulder as he smiled. "No promises"

As we drove the low hum of the radio kept us company, the sunset making Harry look beautiful.

"You still like Cherry Blossom Trees right?" He asked out of no where. I looked at him as I saw a smile play on his lips, I squinted my eyes. "What are you up to Harry?" He shrugged but I could see the huge smile on his face as he looked away from me.

I shook my head in fake annoyance as my own smile took over my face. "Yes, I still like Cherry Blossom trees" He nodded in approvement, making a sharp turn to the right, a huge restaurant in front of us. I looked at Harry, confusion probably written all over my face.

"Let's go inside"

He walked out of the car, going around and opening the door for me. "Where are we?" I said with a huge smile on my face, I didn't expect him to take me to a restaurant. I stood up, flattening my clothes.

I wasn't dressed for the occasion. Everyone walking in was wearing fancy dresses and suits, Harry noticed my apprehensive behavior and rolled his eyes with a smile, grabbing my arm and pulling me along.

"Come on, I think you'll like it"

As we walked through the door we were met by a hostess, "Reservation name?" I guess you have to call ahead or they won't let you in. "Styles" Harry said, my heart dropped to my ass when I felt him grab my hand with his own and intertwine our fingers. I saw a small smile appear on his lips as mine did too.

"Great, follow me this way"

We followed her through all the tables, a few people staring at us as we walked. She took us to a private room, my breath immediately being taken away as we walked through.

She sat us in the booth under the tree, I was completely and utterly speechless, the feeling in my chest going crazy

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She sat us in the booth under the tree, I was completely and utterly speechless, the feeling in my chest going crazy.

She gave us menus and told us the waiter would be with us shortly, but I didn't respond, instead looking around like a crazy person. My jaw dropped and in awe.

"Do you not like it?" Harry said scratching his neck awkwardly, I creased my brows together, not understanding him.

"What?" I squeaked out, the pink luminescent light making him look unreal. Harry shifted in his seat, "Well I mean you haven't really said anything since we got here and it doesn't look like you like it here-"

I shook my head, scooting closer to him and pressing my lips against his. I was trying to tell him exactly how I feel through this kiss, molding our lips together as I put one hand on his jaw, the other playing with the short hairs on the back of his neck. I felt him smile against my lips, making me smile as well.

It might have looked like we were kissing with our teeth but it didn't matter. I pulled back, slightly out of breath as he smiled even brighter. "Are you insane Harry? Of course I like it here" I said, tugging the back of his head harshly, making him groan quietly, his head rolling back slightly.

I moved closer, our lips brushing against each other as I talked. "I love it here, you planned this?" He nodded, his eyes closing as I played with the bottom of his sweater with my free hand. "Hmm... good boy"

He opened his mouth slightly to talk when I pulled back completely,

"Hi I'm Camille! I'll be your server today, can I get you started off with something to drink"

I bit my lip to hide the smile as I saw Harry, his cheeks completely flushed as he stuttered through his order. "Erm- If I could-" He paused and took a breath, glaring at me.

"Just a water please."

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