chapter 33

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"Thats's disgusting. You are disgusting!" I yelled grimacing as Harry took a bite of his sandwich with mayo on it. He only laughed and jokingly moaned as he swallowed his bite, I rolled my eyes and smiled, eating my own sandwich. That had no mayo on it.

"I don't know how you can enjoy that"

"I don't know how you can't" he said, his British accent coming out more. As the time passed on Harry had brought his guitar from his car, I'm not sure how many things he had packed when I wasn't looking, it was like a clown car.

He played a few songs, I knew some of them and hummed along as he sung. He played a few newer chord progressions, one I hadn't heard before. "What was that one called?" I asked after he had finished. "Sunflower"

I smiled, ironic since we were in a sunflower field.

A couple hours after that, we ended up watching the sunset together, with my head in his lap. "Are you excited to go home?" Harry asked, playing with my hair as I hummed in thought.

"Home to an empty apartment? Seems very fun." I said with sarcasm, and Harry chuckled slightly, making my heart clench. I turned to face upwards, seeing him look down at me "I mean I'm excited to see my Mum and Chelsea, not so much go back to work though"

He frowned, "How come?" I sat up, picking at the grass besides us. "He's kind of a dick, Harry" I laughed, not to mention misogynistic and rude. "He is? Why do you work there then?"

"I need to be able to afford my apartment, and it pays well" I shrugged, it's the American dream to have a boss you hate right? Harry didn't say anything else, getting up.

I watched as he looked at the flowers, leaning down to examine each one, he eventually picked one, coming back to sit down and place it behind my ear. I felt my cheeks grow red and looked down, "You look beautiful" Harry said, and I looked up at him to see him already looking at me.

I was about to say something when he pulled out his phone, holding it up to me. "Say cheese!" I laughed loudly, holding my hand up to cover the camera of his phone.

"Oh come on, let me get this on video" He laughed, gently pushing my hand out of the way.

I rolled my eyes and smiled, letting Harry take a small video, "Do something!" He exclaimed, I raised an eyebrows and gave him the bird, watching his eyes grow wide for a second as he said "Hey! Not very nice Ember" He paused the video and placed ...

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I rolled my eyes and smiled, letting Harry take a small video, "Do something!" He exclaimed, I raised an eyebrows and gave him the bird, watching his eyes grow wide for a second as he said "Hey! Not very nice Ember" He paused the video and placed the phone down, leaning forward on his hands and pressing his lips to mine.

I closed my eyes as he swiped his tongue across my lips, asking for access I quickly gave him as he slipped into my mouth. I leaned back and teasingly bit his bottom lip, pulling it as he let out a low groan.

"How am I gonna survive a week without you Ember" He said, his hooded eyes glancing at me then my lips again as I bit back a smile. "You'll have to deal baby" I replied, kissing the tip of his nose as it scrunched up with his bright smile.

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