chapter 48

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Warning: Don't read this in the same room as family members, go to a private place, and TWO hands on the phone at all time.


Harry carried me upstairs to the bedroom, smiling in between small kisses. He laid my down on the bed, laying in between my legs as he played with the bottom of my dress "Can I take this off" I mumbled a small yes as I felt my heart pick up.

He hummed in approval as he pulled it off of me, throwing it on the ground leaving me in nothing but my underwear. He rested on his elbow above me, pressing his lips on mine as he shifted his hips towards mine.

I felt vulnerable with him yet comfortable. I wanted him, I'm not sure if I'm ready for sex just yet though. And I'm so thankful he hasn't been pressuring me into anything that I wasn't ready for.

He unhooked my bra, looking and waiting for me to nod, throwing it on the ground when I did. He went to move back but stopped, looking at me for a second.

"Can I try something?" Harry's voice was a bit strained, his breathing heavy as I looked at him. "Li-like what?" He moved me up to the pillows, resting his hands on my knees.

"Have you ever been tied up?"

I took a sharp breath in, my eyes the size of dinner plates as I looked up at him. He chuckled a bit, scratching the back of his neck, "I'll take that as a no" I shook my head slightly, proving his suspicions right.

"Listen, we don't have to okay? It was just a suggestion"

He started to move towards me but I stopped him, placing my foot on his chest as his brows quirked up with a sly smile on his face. I rested on my elbows as I looked up at him, "You've... don't this before?" He nodded, and I could help but notice his eyes focusing on my chest as he did.

I moved my foot back down, grabbing his arm and pulling him close to me, whispering in his ear. "Tie me up then, Harry. I'm all yours"

He let out a loud frustrated groan, giving me a 'your fucked' expression as he rushed to his closet. He came back with a belt and a blind fold, I felt my heart pick up but I wasn't nervous, more excited than anything.

He came back on the bed and hesitated a bit, "You sure you want this?" Instead of giving him a verbal cue I leaned forward on my knees, pressing my lips against his own, teasing my tongue on his bottom lip. I grabbed the blindfold from his hands and put it on myself, leaning on the headboard, my chest heaving up and down.

He chuckled slightly and I felt him gently grab my left arm, holding it in front of me, the same with the other and wrapping the belt around it. "Is it too tight?" He asked cautiously, still sounding unsure if I was okay with this.

"Perfect" I responded, trying to show him I'm 100 percent okay with this.

He cleared his throat and grabbed my waist, picking me up as I furrowed my eyes brows in confusion. The blind fold was pitch black taking away my vision, and apparently my sense of direction. I realized he had leaned me over the edge of the bed, my arm and chest resting in it.

He stood behind me, moving my legs so that they stood farther apart. He placed his finger under the thin hand of my underwear, picking it up and letting it hit my skin. I gasped a bit at the slight sting, it heading straight to my heat.

He hummed a curious 'hm' as he pressed his hips against my ass, a dragged out moan coming out of my lips as his hard member pressed right against my core. I kept my face down, smushing it in the covers as I felt the pleasure of Harry circling his hips in torturous motions.

Suddenly I felt a sharp sting on my left cheek, letting out a small yelp but not telling him to stop. It hurt, but it was a pleasurable pain.

Harry chuckled slightly from behind me, soothing the area he had hit. "Does Ember enjoy getting spanked? Such a little devil" I whined a bit into the comforter, Harry letting out a breathy laugh as he hit me in the same area again, harsher this time.

I let out a loud moan, digging my nails into my palm in front of me as I felt the pleasure grow in my stomach.

He tugged at my underwear, "Can I take this off?" I nodded immediately "Yes"

He pulled the underwear down my legs, growling as he did. "That really got to you didn't it lovely girl?" He asked, swiping his fingers down my slick folds.

"Let's see what else you can handle"

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