chapter 36

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I woke up at 4 am, my body not being used to this time yet. I paced around my apartment, organizing things. I would go to a home depot or something to pick up some boxes, I still can't believe that dick of a land lord is kicking me out.

I grabbed my phone, my thumb hovering over the call button. Should I call him? I don't want to bother him with my problems.

But isn't that what couples do? Talk about their problems and figure their shit out?

I groaned, clicking the call button and waiting for Harry to answer.

He answered after the second ring.

"Ember? Hey, you okay?" He asked, his voice low and tired. "Hi, did I wake you up?" I immediately felt bad, maybe I shouldn't have called. "No no, woke up 10 minutes ago, what's wrong?"

"How'd you know?" I asked, sitting back down on my bed feeling a bit calmer as I listened to his voice. "Can tell, talk to me about it?"

I felt the familiar feeling in my chest, biting my lip. "uhm, I got kicked out of my apartment"

"You what? Where are you right now?" I heard some shuffling on the other side of the phone, "Uhm- I'm still in it, just have 5 days to move"

The shuffling stopped, a small sigh coming from Harry "I'm sorry Love, you staying with Chelsea then?" I shook my head, but then remembered he couldn't see me. "No, her mom won't allow it since she pays for everything"

There was some silence before he talked, hesitating a bit. "Move into my New York place" My breath hitched in my throat, did he just- no way.


"Yeah, you can move to the apartment I have! I can rent another one for the two months while I'm staying"

My brain felt like scrambled eggs, not taking in this information. "Why would you get another place?"

"Didn't think you'd want me there with you"


"Too soon?"

"If I'm going to stay at your place I want you to be there" I don't know what I'm staying, I'm still processing the face that Harry wants me to stay at his place. "You don't think it's too soon Ember?"

"I mean it's only until I find a new place right?"

"Yeah- right"

"And your serious about this?" I ask, I didn't want to invite myself. "Of course"

"Okay- I'll start packing" There was a small chuckle on the phone as he said goodbye, this felt like it should be one of those big relationship milestones. And even though I should feel nervous and like we're moving to fast if felt natural and exciting.

I packed my stuff after getting some boxes, throwing in the clothes I still wear and planning to take the rest to GoodWill.

The rest of the days went like that, the stress of last minute moving was overwhelming as fuck. But Harry helped me through, and from London. I don't understand why he so supportive and caring but I appreciate it.


It was my last day in my apartment and it's safe to say I was a bit upset, my mum doesn't know about the eviction notice, if she did she'd have me move back in with her in no time. And as much as I love her, I need to have my own space.

I just told her I was moving, which wasn't exactly false.

I felt my phone ring in my pocket, smiling at the name.

From: Harry
Key should be under the door, let yourself in.

To: Harry
And you're sure this is okay? I can find a hotel for the next few days

From: Harry
With all those boxes? No, don't worry just stay there for a few days I'll be home soon


It felt right when it was with him.

To: Harry
Okay, see you then:)

I started to bring the boxes to my car, I didn't end up having that much stuff but it still took up most of my space. I placed Harry's address in my phone and let the gps lead the way, the way down a whole new street of New York.

One that I liked to call Rich Old Trust Fund Baby street. Okay so the name wasn't that great but I came up with it while intoxicated and it stuck, and of course Harry isn't really a trust fund baby so there's that.

I pulled into a gated apartment complex, having to type in a 10 letter password filled with the most random no pattern letters I don't know how anybody could remember it.

I pulled in and started packing the boxes in the elevator I had brought with me, heading to the 6th floor. I pushed the boxes to the door Harry had told me was his, and did in fact find a key under the door. Not the safest place if you ask me, especially for a famous and growing pop star.

Nevertheless I unlocked the door, almost completely shitting my pants as I opened it. I thought this would be more like the apartment I had, but it was like a fucking house. There were stairs.


I swear I forget Harry has fucking money

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I swear I forget Harry has fucking money. I placed my things down in the living room, looking around in awe.

Harry told me I could sleep in his bed but I didn't want to without him so I grabbed some more blankets and left them on the couch for later.

I pushed the boxes together, trying to take up as little space as possible.

Guess this is my home for now.

Authors note
Hi!! Sorry about the short chapter, I'll make up with it tomorrow

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