Chapter 100

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Embers pov

I sat next to Zayn in the backseat of the car, Louis sitting up front with Harry as they conversed. Harry was right, they were both super nice and funny. They acted as if they knew me as long as they knew Harry, I felt comfortable around them. Which isn't very normal for me.

"I like the ring" Zayn said from behind me, his northern accent intriguing me. I looked down to the ring on my left ring finger, a smile immediately appearing on my face as it shone in the small amount of light there was. "Thank you! Harry fixed it up a bit before he proposed, the whole thing was kind of a little bump though. A lot of crazy pictures were leaked and made everything seem like it wasn't."

I heard Zayn click his tongue, "Ah, yeah Harry told
me about it. Hated to hear it, people don't respect others privacy anymore." I chuckled a bit, "Yeah tell me about it"

Harry parked the car and walked outside, opening the door for me before I got the chance. I raised my eyebrow and smiled as i took his hand, stepping out of the car and into his arms. He kept his hand on my waist protectively as we walked into the busy bar, almost all the seat were full although it wasn't the most popular place in the city.

We found a small booth that wasn't occupied and slid in, the sounds of players at the pool table groaning and yelling as they played, loud music and chatter filling the room. A waitress dressed in a black and white uniform came up to us, "Hi! What can I get you folks to..." Her voice faded as she took a double glance at the boys, blinking a few times as if she thought she was dreaming.

"Oh- oh my." She muttered softly, her cheeks rushing bright red as she saw Zayn Louis and Harry, three of the five members of the old band One Direction. To be fair, if I was in the same position I would probably freak out too. "Wow oh my god, I know this is totally unprofessional but is there any way I could get a picture with you guys? My daughter is a huge fan"

I smiled as they did, watching them nod their head. I cleared my throat and slid out of the booth, Harry sending me a questionable look. "I can take it for you if you want" I offered but she shook her head, "Can you be in it too?" I frowned as I was a bit confused.

"Why would you want me in it?" It's not like I was part of the boy band, let  alone a celebrity. "Because you're Harry's girlfriend right? My daughter talks about you all the time too"

This is getting weird, people... know about me?

I cleared my throat and sat back down as Harry squeezed my thigh, I don't know if I really wanted to be in this random lady's phone. Nevertheless, I smiled for the photo, leaning into Harry as the flash slightly blinded my eyes.

I could not do this every day. It made me feel like I was some sort of thing for others amusement, she wasn't even in the picture.

"Thank you guys so much, now what can I get you all to drink?" Harry ordered for me and the others ordered their drinks too, the waitress leaving us after a while. "That happens a lot wherever you go?" I ask after a seconds, seeing them look at me as if they weren't phased at all by what had happened.

"Yeah, but sometimes we don't take the pictures. Which of course makes us the bad guy" Louis scoffed, thanking the lady as she handed us our drinks.

"Really?" I ask in astonishment, not realizing people would have gotten mad if they had said no to a picture. "Yeah, but most are nice about it." Zayn replied.

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