chapter 11

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Okay, I'm seeing Harry today. I'm seeing him today. We're going to go out. As friends. I think? Are we friends? Or are we more? Does he want to be more?

From: Chelsea
Everything will be fine, I love you. Have fun!!

From: Chelsea
Did I do that right?

I smile at my phone, she knows me too well.

To: Chelsea
Thank you, love you too. And yes, you're officially English!

She sent me back a smiley emoji, and I went to my camera, looking at myself, trying to look okay. I look back at the mirror, seeing me in it.

Chelsea had liked the outfit I chose, said it shows character

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Chelsea had liked the outfit I chose, said it shows
character. Don't know what a pair of shoes, shorts and a shirt has to do anything with my character, but I let her be. I straightened the shirt and checked the time, he should be here by now. We had agreed that Harry would pick me up, did he change his mind?

From: Harry

Guess not. I sighed and nodded, looking at myself in the mirror. "You got this" I took a deep breath and walked outside after I made sure I had everything, locking it behind me. I walked down my stairs, trying my best not to fall and break my neck. That would be embarrassing. I opened the door and saw a car parked out front, the window rolled down and Harry in the drivers seat.

I smiled when I saw him, from what I saw he was wearing a brown sweater, white collar underneath. "Hey Stranger" I yelled, catching his attention. He looked at me and smiled, playing with his bottom lip with him thumb and pointer finger. "What're you standing there for? Get in!"

"Oh! Right" I tucked my hair behind my ears and looked at the ground as I walked, sitting in the passenger seat. I put on my seat belt and looked at Harry, now seeing he had jeans on, white vans on his feet. White, not very clean though.

He was already looking at me "You look nice, Em"

I felt the blush creep into my cheeks, fiddling with my fingers as I quietly thanked him, "You look pretty" I mumbled, "Pretty?" I looked back at him, nodding. "Yeah"

The corner of his lips twitched upwards slightly, "Never had anyone call me pretty before. Thanks love"

"No problem"

As we drove off we listened to the radio, making our way to a flea market I had sent him the address of a couple days ago. I didn't bring much money with me for two reasons. One, I knew if I brought more I would spend it on unnecessary items I'll never glance at again, and two, I have to start paying full rent soon. Mum and I had an agreement that she would support me for the first year of me living on my own, and that year was almost over. I had to start saving up so I can support myself financially, otherwise it's back to living with her.

"You've been there before?"

Harry's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, "Pardon?"

"The market, you've been before?"

"Oh, yeah once. Went with Chelsea a few months ago, thought you'd like it" I said, I mean it was the only thing that popped into mind other than a picnic. And I agreed with Chelsea, picnic would not have been the best idea, maybe in the future... but I doubt it.

"It's nice?"

"Yeah, I think so"

He nodded, humming in a reply. I looked out the window as we drove, seeing the small building grow bigger as we got closer. He pulled into a small parking space and got out, opening the door for me. "Thanks Hare"

"I like that nickname" He said behind me, the beeping of his car going off to show he had locked it. "What nickname? Hare?" I asked as we walked towards the entrance, "Yeah, it's nice"

"It's an abbreviation of your name" I smiled, a bit confused why he likes it so much. He let me walk in first and we started browsing the small stands, "Yeah, but you're the only one who calls me that" I smirked at him, "Really?" I said in disbelief, he nodded.

A small memory popped up in my head, causing me to chuckle quietly. "What are you laughing at?" he nudged me, observing me as I picked up a ring to look at. "Nothing" I shook my head "Just funny how we're talking about nick names, Hazza" His eyebrow shot up, "What?" I looked back at him, placing the ring down when I saw the price.

"Your fans call you Hazza" I said, continuing down the small stands of people belongings. "They do?"

I stopped, him almost bumping into me. "Yeah, you don't know that? You need to research yourself more, mister" I poked him in the chest, seeing a smile form on his face. That goddamn smile, it's going to be the end of me.

I continued walking, trying to get my face color to come back. I probably looked like a tomato.

I stopped at a peculiar booth, it being full of old records, books, and jewelry. As I shuffled through the records I felt Harry's presence beside me, "You collect records?" I smile softly, continuing to look through them, "Not really, my mum does though. Got my music taste from her"

I heard a small gasp from Harry, "Oh yeah, I remember her always playing music whilst she was cooking!"

"You remember that?"



I looked through the jewelry, falling in love with a small silver rose ring that was just my size. "Wow, this is gorgeous" I mumbled under my breath, I looked up to see a little lady looking at me. "How much is this?"

"35." She said in a stern voice.

"35 for the ring?" I asked my brows a bit furrowed. "Yes. No negotiation." I opened my mouth a bit, nodding. I debated whether or not to buy it, but I had only brought 20 dollars. I placed it back down, smiling at her, "Have a good day ma'am" She sat back down on her chair as I continued to walk. I looked through more tables, Harry taking a bit longer to catch up.

After about 20 minutes I was ready to head home, I may not have gotten anything but at least that's an extra 20 dollars I don't have to worry about. Harry had gotten a new guitar, and some old journals no one had written in yet. He seemed so excited to own a new guitar, though I'm sure he has hundreds at home.

It was cute.

As we sat back in the car, on our way back to my flat I heard my stomach growl. Harry looked towards me, a smirk growing on his face.

"Ready for the best home-made meal you've ever had?"

A bit exaggerated Harry, but alright.

"Bring it on"

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