chapter 7

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He held the door open for me as we walked in, "I guess chivalry isn't dead after all" I joked, earning a small laugh from him. "Your accent is gone" he observed as we stood in line to order, "Pardon?"

He stood beside me and shrugged, "Don't sound English anymore" he said, smiling. "Hmm, I guess" I laughed nervously, begging Chelsea to save me as the air got thick.

"Ask him how many shows he has left" Chelsea said, her mouth sounding full as a crunch filled my ear. "Are you eating right now?!" I whisper yelled. "What?" I shot my head up, realizing Harry just saw me talk to myself. My cheeks turned bright red as I smiled, "Uh- nothing! How many shows do you have left for this tour?" I asked.

"Oh, I have 2 more. One in Tampa, Florida. The other in Georgia." He nodded as he spoke, his face lighting up a bit as he did. "You enjoy what you do" I asked, but it was more of a fact I could tell. "Yeah," he started "Don't know where I would be if it wasn't for everything."

As we ordered our drinks I felt Harry's eyes on me, feeling more nervous by the second.

"Say something!"

"Like what??" I whisper, "I don't know! Anything! Talk about how you won the tickets"

Okay, no problem. We walked back outside on the sidewalk side by side, the silence defeating. "You know what's weird?" I asked, having no idea how to start new topics. "What's that?"

"We would have never seen each other again if I hadn't signed up for this super sketchy raffle" He sipped his coffee, raising an eyebrow at me as I rolled my lips to fight a smile. "Really? You signing up for a raffle?" I opened my mouth in fake offense, "What do you mean me?"

He laughed, shaking his head. "Nothing nothing"

I hit his arm, "No no, tell me Harry" He shrugged, "Just seems hard to believe you willingly signed up a raffle to see me"

"Why is that hard to believe?"

"Never seen you in any of my concerts before"

We sat down on a small bench in a park we passed, staring at a small river a head of us. "You know how many people go to see you, that you don't know exist? Who's to say I wasn't one of them?" I smiled, nudging his shoulder against mine as I took a sip of my coffee, the warmth flooding through me.

"Were you?"

I turned my head to face him, realizing how close we suddenly were, our faces only inches apart. "Almost, bought a ticket to a One Direction concert a couple years back." I said, resisting the urge to stare at Harry's lips. Only making it harder when they broke into smile, "Really?"

I nodded, my own smile taking up my face. "Yeah, wasn't able to go though. Mum got the flu, watched it on youtube the next day. Well, clips of it." I reached up to ruffle his hair, "You had really long hair back then" He beamed, his dimples cutting into his cheeks and once again I did my best not to poke it.

He looked forward, glancing at the river and he opened his mouth to speak. Before he had the chance, someone tapped his shoulder making us both look back.

A girl that seemed about 14 or 15 with short brown hair was standing by us, a nervous expression on her face. "H-hi, I'm so sorry to bother you. But I was wondering if I could have a picture with you? I'm a huge fan." Even though this took me by surprise because I didn't really expect a fan to walk up to us today, Harry acted like it was completely normal. The girl looked at me, seeming a bit confused as she tried to figure out who I am.

I stood up, rubbing my palms on my pants and held my hand out. "I can take the picture if you want" I said, smiling as she handed me her phones. Standing next to Harry, who was also on his feet I held up the small phone and clicked the photo button a few times.

"Got it! Here you go" I said, handing it back to her shaking hands. "Thank you so much Harry! You too" she said to me, walking back to wherever she had to go. I looked at Harry who had a different expression on his face now. "She was nice, that happen often?" He nodded, smiling a bit.

"Everything alright?"

He took a breath, looking around a bit frantically. "Yes, um- we should probably head somewhere else. She might post it soon and although I love meeting everyone, I'd rather just spend some more time here with you." I felt my heart burst slightly as I nodded, I kind of understood, it would feel overwhelming having all these people you don't know act like your a god and want pictures with you.

"Invite him to your place!! It's only like a block from here" My eyes widened as Harry looked at me, waiting for me to lead the way. "Uhm- Do you maybe- well"

"Stop stuttering and invite him over"

I fought the urge to roll my eyes, instead smiling. "My flat is about a block or two from here, wanna go over there? I can make some pizza if you'd like" Harry's smile grew a bit, holding up his hand to let me walk first. "Sure, I'm dying to see what your place looks like. You always were quite the neat freak."

I scoffed, "Yeah right, come on let's hurry"

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