Chapter 105

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Just a few more steps, than it's smooth sailing from here. My chest tightened, my eyes squinting from the harsh sunlight beaming against me, my lungs felt like they were on fire. My feet became trapped to the ground, my arm tightening against Carter as he tried to get me to keep walking. My feet were about to get crushed as my shoes felt like they were getting tighter and tighter.

I needed to breathe, I needed to look at Harry. Seeing him will make this all go away.
It'll make it better.

My eyes cross over the ground, seeing Harry's shoes as he stands 10 feet in front of me. They trail over his figure, his suit looking perfect on him. I looked for his eyes, my bouquet of flowers falling on my hand as I meet an unfamiliar face.

A face that I couldn't make out, the features were so bare I couldn't even see what eye color the person had.

My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. "I can't do this. I have to get out of here." I whispered to Carter, looking to my left and right for my mom only to realize everyone in the seats had disappeared, dead flowers in their places.

I whip my head to my left, hoping Carter will be there but when I squeeze his arm I'm left with nothing but air, a shadow of where he used to be.

My chest started heaving up and down, my fists grasping the bottom of my dress as I tried to turn around to run away, face to face with the man I did not know, the blurry-ness of a smile appeared on his face. My mouth opened in a gasp as a tear slipped out of my eye, I felt strong hands wrap around my throat, holding on roughly and squeezing as I felt trapped, no way out. Like this forever.

My eyes snap open, my body lunging forwards as I sat up, gasping for air as my own hands scratched at my throat, checking for the breeze my dream had left.

"Ember?" A groggy voice said next to me, I jumped, seeing Harry rubbing his eyes as he looked at me with concern.

I studied his face carefully, looking at each of his features making sure it was really him. When I convinced myself I was okay I brought my self towards him, wrapping my arm around his neck as I took in his familiar sent. Harry didn't hesitate to hug me back, rubbing his hands against my back soothingly as he pressed soft kisses against my shoulder.

"Are you okay, petal?Bad dream?" I nodded against his neck, but couldn't bring myself to tell him what it was about. It was in no way me having second thoughts about us getting married. I love him, I will always love him, but marriage has always kind of scared me.

But it's something I want with him.

Harry pulled me out of my thoughts as he hummed a small tune against my shoulder, small vibrations going through my body as he did.

"Sorry for waking you up" I whisper as I feel myself getting sleepy again, Harry shaking his head against me, continuing his motions against my back. "Don't ever be sorry, I want to be here for you, always." I felt myself smile at his words, pulling back and pressing my lips to his forehead, hearing him chuckle softly.

When I pull back I cup his jaw in my hands, "Thank you" I say quietly, laying back down as he does the same, he pulls me closer to him by my waist, tracing small patterns on my skin.

"Go to sleep, I'll be here."

Authors note:
Short chapter but.... I LIKE IT

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