chapter 26

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"Ready for the check folks?"

The cheery voice of our waitress interrupted, making me jump and move back. "Right, yes" I bit my lip, feeling a bit dizzy and strange, Harry taking the check.

I watched as he signed the check, the girl leaving with his credit card to approve the payment. I lifted up my right hand, watching the ring glisten in the pink light.

I know it doesn't seem like much, just a silly little ring. But none of my exes had even thought about something little like this, they didn't care about where I wanted to eat, or what my favorite tree is, what my childhood was like, and they definitely didn't care about some stupid ring I liked at a flea market I dragged them to.

But Harry did.

And that's why it meant so much to me, I wasn't used to being important in someone's mind.

"Come on, it's getting late" Harry said next to me as he got his card back, offering me his hand as I walked out of the booth. I took it with a smile, bag in my other hand as we walked out together, my arm locked with his.

He said a goodbye to the hostess and we walked into the parking lot, him opening the door for me.

As we drove home I felt off, not in a bad way, I just didn't know what the feeling was.

I listened to the radio, but felt my eyes always drifting back to Harry. His side profile glowed as he drove, the street lamps being the worst lighting but still making him look amazing.

As we arrived home I realized how spent I was, Harry walked with me upstairs and kissed me goodnight when we parted our ways. The same feeling taking over me from before as we did.

I ran my hands through my hair as I walked into my room, taking off my clothes and heading to the shower. I turned the faucet on, moving it to the right for hot water. I took of my jewelry, stepping into the shower and letting the hot water soothe my tired muscles.

Why did I feel so weird? Why did that kiss change my mood so much? What is the emotion I'm feeling? I'm so new at this, the whole being someone's priority thing

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Why did I feel so weird? Why did that kiss change my mood so much? What is the emotion I'm feeling? I'm so new at this, the whole being someone's priority thing. All my exes were pretty much the same, wanted the same thing. That's what I was good for.

I lathered my head in shampoo, rinsing it and washing my body. I stayed in a little longer than I needed to, enjoying the feeling of the hot water on my skin.

Pulling the curtain back I dried myself off and threw on an old hoodie I brought with me, tying my hair up in a bun to get it out of the way.

I tucked myself under the covers, staring at the ceiling. After 30 minutes of not being able to sleep I groaned quietly, turning around and grabbing my phone, calling Chelsea.

It rung twice before she picked up, "Hey!" Chelsea yelled loudly, music in the background. "Hey Chels" There was some mumbling on her end and then the music stopped, "How are you? It's like 11 over there right? You okay?" I sighed and rolled over to my side, "Yeah, Harry has been amazing. Super sweet. I'm just feeling a bit strange"


"Yeah, like.... I'm not sure exactly how to describe it. Like staticky"

"Staticky?" Chelsea laughed, mocking me a bit. "I'm serious! Harry gave me a ring and I've been feeling weird since then."

"Wait rewind he gave you a ring??"

"Yeah, I'll send you a picture later" I said, admiring the ring on my finger, it still shining in the dark. "Babe, it's beginning"

I furrowed my brows, putting my hand down "What is?"

"You're starting to fall for him?"

"What do you mean? I know I like him, that's nothing new"

"No, you're starting to fall in love! This is good news, Ember" I let out a huff of air, not believing my ears. Falling in love? No way. That doesn't happen with me, I don't 'fall in love'

"Very funny Chelsea, listen I'm pretty tired. Talk to you tomorrow yeah?"

"Ember don't run away from this" she pleaded, but I mumbled a small goodbye and hung up.

That was a bad idea. I shouldn't have called. I'm not falling in love with Harry. I can't. I don't even know what we are, we said we would figure it out as we go.

But what exactly does that mean? Does that mean we'll be able to be with other people? Like dates? Or are we exclusive to each other? Does he hope this ends in sex?

I have so many questions with answers to none of them, and I don't know how to bring it up to Harry. Hell, I'm leaving for New York in a few days, how is this even supposed to work? I brought my hands up to my face, fighting the urge to yell and wake up everyone in the home.

Will we end what ever this is when I go back home? Will he break contact? Will he act like I never existed? Will I see his face in a magazine with a new 'mistress' in two weeks?

I tossed and turn for the next few hours, looking at the clock and whining when I saw barely any time had passed. I sat up, untying my hair, it flowing down my back in waves. I wiped my eyes and stood up, walking to the door and silently opening it, cringing when it made a small squeaking noise.

I made sure the coast is clear, walking across the hall to Harry's door, knocking a few times. I was about to head back to my room before the door opened, a shirtless and bed haired Harry standing before me in his boxers. His tired hooded eyes looked down at me and I immediately felt intimidated.

"Ember? It's like 3 am, are you alright?" He asked, his voice low and gravely having just woken up as he rubbed his eyes.

I looked down at my feet, embarrassed at how silly I must look right now. I shook my head and palmed my forehead, "Sorry" I whispered "This is stupid I should probably go" I turned around to leave but felt a hand on my elbow,

"Come here"

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