chapter 65

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I only got 3 hours of sleep last night. Well, technically Harry and I only got 3 hours of sleep last night. Probably should have taken account of the fact I had work today.

I crawled out of bed almost falling as my legs failed me. I heard Harry chuckled behind me and I gave him the finger, rolling my eyes as he hummed proudly. I don't know how I'm going to be able to stand on my feet this whole day, either way I got changed and went downstairs and Harry got ready.

Finny had slept in our bed last night after we let her in, and she gave us a judgy look as she settled in.

"You sure we should let her sleep in here?" I asked Harry, my heart warming as he opened the door and carried her to our bed, stroking her as she purred. He was already getting attached.

Finny walked up to me as she smelt my face, giving me a look and settling down as I looked at Harry and laughed as he pulled his boxers up. "She's is so definitely judging us." I mumbled, Harry laying down next to me and kissing my forehead.

"Yeah yeah, get some sleep love, you have work in 3 hours and I have a meeting"

I pulled out a small bowl and filled it with water, placing it on the floor and watching as Finny came up and took a drink. "She already making her self at home huh?" Harry said, walking downstairs in some gray sweatpants and no shirt, drying his hair with a towel.

Jesus Christ he looked good.

My eyes trailed over his tattoos, watching his muscles move as he dried his hair. "Are you seriously checking me out right now, Ember?" He said out loud, catching me off guard as I blushed. He walked towards me with a smile, wrapping his hands around my waist and leaning down to kiss me. I closed my eyes and let out a happy hum at his soft lips.

"Thought you had enough yesterday, love" He whispered, making my stomach flip at the memory. "Don't think I could ever get enough" I shot back, gaining a small groan from Harry.

I yelped as he smacked my ass harshly and grabbed a tshirt he had hanging over his shoulder, putting it on and sending me a smirk. "Don't want to be late to work" I rolled my eyes and pet Finny, saying a small goodbye and walking out with Harry.

"Made a vet appointment, 5:30 later" Harry said as we drove, his hand on my thigh, moving it up ever so slightly.

"Great, thanks" My voice strained as Harry traced small patterns while teasing his hand upwards as he drove, I rolled my lips and ignored his moves, knowing he's doing it to fuck with me.

"You've gone all quiet Ember, something wrong?" He asked, a certain tone to his voice as he talked. I cleared my throat and shook my head, going to talk but my words failing as his hand went under the skirt I was wearing, cupping my heat.

My lips parted as he applied a bit of pressure, seeing his eyes trained on the road as if nothing was happening. I fought the urge to shut my eyes, "Nope, everything's fine. You?" I heard him chuckled lowly as he moved my underwear to the side, stroking his fingers down my heat.

I jerked my head backwards against the headrest as he did, my legs opening more to give him access. He cursed slightly under his breath and teased his fingers around my entrance.

"I'm doing great" He said, pushing his ring and middle finger into me as I let out an embarrassing loud moan, everything being super sensitive from yesterday. I clenched around him, hearing him clear his throat and step on the gas a bit as the light we were on turned green.

"Fuck- oh my god Harry" I grabbed his wrist between my legs as he motioned them upwards, hitting my g spot every time. "That it Ember? Does this do it for you? In a car where anyone could see you? How good does it feel?"

I don't know if he expected me to answer, and if he did I don't know how the fuck how.

I let out jumbled words of nothingness as I felt that pleasure in my lower stomach grow, my legs squeezing together against his large hand as he sped up and went harder. "Holy shit holy shit- I'm so close- I'm going to- oh my god" I gasped as Harry pulled his hand away from between my legs right before I fell over the edge.

I took a second to take a breather as I realized what the fuck just happened. My eyes were wide as I looked at Harry who put his two fingers in his mouth, cleaning them off. I dropped my jaw and gawked at him as he pulled into my work and smiled at me as if nothing happened.

"I know for a fact you didn't just-" He cut me off by pressing his lips on mine, tasting myself on him and I know this fucker did it on purpose.

"Don't wanna be late for work baby" He whispered lowly with a gravely voice against my lips as I felt my cheeks heat up in anger. I'm going to be pissy all day at work.

Whatever I'll get him back.

"Yup" I said with toxicity in my voice as I stepped out of the car and slammed the door.

I see how it is Harry.

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