Love You Mom

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Emily POV

A week after JJ told me that I should talk to my mom, I was at the front of her house. I was really nervous. I had no idea how she would react. I started rubbing my stomach, in a way the baby kept me calm. I rang the doorbell and waited. The door opened and my mom looked happy to see me.

"Emily!" She said. She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi mom."

"Come in." We walked to the living room and we sat down. " So how are you sweetheart? Why didn't you bring Chris with you?"

"That's actually what I wanted to come talk to you about." I said while rubbing my hand through my hair.

"Oh my God, Emily." My mom grabbed my hand and started looking at the ring. "Your getting married! That's wonderful. Chris and you will make a beautiful couple."

"Actually mom, I'm not marrying Chris."

"What? What do you mean?"

"Mom", I grabbed her hand. "Chris and I broke up. I realized that I didn't love him, and I'm going to marry the man that I love."


"My boss. Aaron Hotchner."

"What! Agent Hotchner is the man your going to marry?"


"Well, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Why in the world would you do that? Emily, you can't marry him."

"Mom, I love him. He's important to me. And, mother, I'm pregnant."

"Your pregnant? But, what about your job? How is this going to work? Emily you can't do this."

"Mom, I am going to continue working, why can't you be supportive of me. You have always gone against my decisions. Why?"

"Because I'm your mother, and I know best. I'm just trying to watch out for you. Maybe a baby's not what you need right now."

"Are you asking me to get rid of my baby?"

"I'm just asking you to reconsider your decision."

"No I am not killing my baby. I am not doing that, not again."  I said, not even thinking about what I had just said. She looked at me, shit. I had never told her about what had happened to me when I was younger.

"What did you say? Not again. Emily what the hell are you talking about!"

I took a deep breath. "Do you remember when you had a diplomatic posting in Italy when I was younger?"


"Well, by then we had moved around, a lot. And you were always at work. I had no friends. And all I wanted was to fit in. I wanted to be accepted, I was 15. I just wanted people to like me...and I ended up getting pregnant."

"Wait a minute, I remember when you and a friend of yours went to Rome for a while. His name was.....Matthew. Matthew got you pregnant?"

"No, someone else did. But I confided in Matthew, and he found a doctor and I had an abortion."

"Why, why didn't you tell me this?"

"When was I supposed to? You were always busy, and if I saw you at home you were too tired to talk. I didn't know what to do. And I knew you would be upset. So I took care of it myself."

She looked hurt and had tears in her eyes. "Emily, I am so sorry. You should have never gone through that alone. I was always at work, sweetheart, please forgive me. Please." She went over to me and hugged me.

At first I was suprised but I hugged her back. She started crying, I cried and we held each other tight. This was the first time I had seen my mother cry. She grabbed my face and wiped my tears.

"Emily, I am so sorry. Sweetheart I am happy if your happy. You are making a good choice. I love you Emily, and I am so proud of you."

"I love you to mom." We hugged. After crying a little more we had lunch and talked about the wedding and the baby. It was getting late so I said goodbye and we hugged. "I'll call you later and we can have dinner with Aaron."

"I would love that."

(My newest chapter. Tell me what you guys think. I'll try to update soon.)

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