For Better.....Or Worse

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Emily POV

I met the team on the jet and Aaron treated me coldly the entire time. I understood why. He thinks I just had sex with him and it didn't mean anything, but it meant everything to me. I didn't want to let go of him. But, if I let myself, he could get hurt, badly. And I couldn't bare the thought of him losing his life because of me. I needed the kids to at least have one parent there for them.

When we got back to Quantico, I called Clay to see how things were going with finding Matthews.

"How's it going in LA?" I asked. He went back to California to try to find Robert.

"Bad Em. 2 girls have been found these past couple of days beat, raped, and murdered. ME says that he starved them. They both had broken ribs and cuts and bruises."

"You think its Matthews." I asked.

"There is no doubt in my mind. He still picks up women in their late 30's to early 40's. With dark hair. But now he's grabbing anyone in his way. No more women in charge. And one more thing."

"What is it?"

"Now he brands them. He burns the letter K onto their arms."

"Oh My God. He's doing this, because of me."

"Emily, this isn't your fault."

"Like hell it isn't. I put him in jail. I locked him up. Because of me, he's out there killing more women."

"Look, were trying everything we can. I'll keep you posted." He hung up. This is all on me. I did this. Now I have to end it.


"Ok, Emily let's run through this one more time." Said Clay.

"Ok. my name is Karen Ruiz. I am a nurse, I live alone. My parents died when I was 23. My older brother lives in New York. I want a family and can't wait to find the perfect guy to do it with."

"Perfect. Robert won't be able to resist going after you. Remember, he will ask you out. And you have to turn him down. Then he will keep pushing until you say yes. He will take you to his home and we will get there as soon as possible. Ok?"

"Ok. So how long until this is over?"

"It will take a while. 4 weeks tops."

"Ok. Let's do this." I said looking at myself in the mirror. "Let's go get this bastard."


I drove to the house and Aaron was there unpacking his go-bag and putting in newer clothing.

I put down my bag on the bed and sat down. I took off my boots and my watch.

"Was this like a lesson or were you just being a bitch by sleeping with me?" He asked.

"Aaron it was neither. But it shouldn't have happened especially since were getting a divorce. I'm sorry." I said.

"Your still with that?" He said. "Emily, I'm not leaving you, ever."

"Aaron, I can't keep doing this. Rush was my fault. Yes I cheated on you, we didn't get to the point of exactly having sex. But I cheated, and I am so sorry. But Morgan! He's my partner, I would never."

"Emily what am I supposed to think when you two are acting that way in front of each other?"

"Your supposed to trust me. Or just trust Morgan. He loves Penelope, he would never cheat on her."

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