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Emily POV

I woke up this morning feeling nauseous and my head was hurting. I was probably getting the flu or something. I really had to talk to Hotch though. He has to understand that I am, in no way, playing him. I love him, not Chris. Chris was just a way for me to try and forget about Aaron.

I walked into the BAU, I saw JJ and Reid talking.

"Hey Em, can I talk to you." Asked JJ

"Yeah, sure." I amswered.

"So are you finally going to tell me what's going on."

"I don't know what your talking about."

"Yeah, you do. You didn't stay home the other night did you?"

I couldn't lie to JJ. She's like my sister. But I also couldn't tell her the entire truth. I could lose my

Job, so could Hotch. "I did something really stupid."

"What did you do?"

"I got really drunk, with a friend of mine, and I kind of cheated on Chris."

"You what!"

"Shhh, I realize now that it was wrong. But JJ, it felt so right. And, now I've realized that I don't love Chris."

"So what are you going to do? Are you going to tell him?"

"I have to. Uhmm JJ, can we talk later? I really need to talk to Hotch about something."

"Yeah sure. "

I walked up to Hotch's office and knocked on the door.

"Hi. "


"Look Hotch I can explain, what happened yesterday-"

"You don't have to explain anything. You were with your boyfriend, that's none of my business."

"Hotch, I was going to end it with him. I love you. I wanted to be with you."

"I think you misunderstood what happened in the elevator. It was a mistake. That didn't mean anything."

"Why is everything a mistake to you? You and I both know it wasn't. So cut the Crap Hotch!"


"Uhmm, sir. We're ready to discuss the new case." Said Garcia.

"We'll be right there." Answered Hotch.

Garcia looked at me and at Hotch and left.

"So you're just going to continue lying to yourself. Fine Hotch, it was a mistake. I'm sorry for wasting your time." Then I left, slamming his door, tears running down my face.

Hotch POV

I felt horrible for making Emily feel bad, but this was for the best. I don't want to hurt her. I could never be able to give her the love she deserves.

I walked out of my office and into the bullpen. Everyone was waiting for me. Emily was already sitting down, not looking at me.

"Ok my lovelies, we have a new case. A 5 year old girl was abducted from her home 2 hours ago. Her mother believes the father took her, and the father believes the mother is hiding her."

"Ok, we need to get to Boston and talk to the parents. Wheels up in 20." I said.

~later on that day~

Emily POV

"Wow, could you believe it. That case was different than the others." Said Reid.

"Yeah, but at least we got the little girl back on time." Said Morgan.

I went to go sit at my desk while everybody started making plans to go to a bar, when suddenly my stomach felt awful. I had a feeling I was going to throw up. I hurried to the bathroom and threw up. It didn't make sense, I hadn't really eaten all day. But then it hit me, I could be pregnant. No I couldn't be. The last time me and Chris had sex was like 3 months ago. And I had gotten my period last month. Unless, uh-oh Hotch. No, not Hotch. He wouldn't believe me. How am I going to explain this to everybody. I'm going to lose my job. And Chris. This can't be happening.

I walked out of the bathroom. I had to get out of here. I had to figure out what I was going to do.

"Alright, whose in to go and have a good time at the bar." Asked Morgan.

Everybody said yes.

"I am definitely in." Said JJ.

"Alright, Hotch. You in?" Asked Morgan.

"Sure." Answered Hotch.

"How about you Prentiss?" Asked Morgan.

Everybody turned to look at me. Even Hotch. I think he really wanted me to go. But I had to make sure I was pregnant. I couldn't go to a bar tonight.

"Sorry guys, not tonight. I have something I have to take care of."

Then I grabbed my bag and and hurried out of there.


I looked at the pregnancy test. Two pink lines. Oh my God. Tears were coming to my eyes. This couldn't be happening right now. It's hard enough being in th FBI, but being pregnant with no husband, or boyfriend. How was I going to raise the baby.

I had to fix all of this. I can't tell Hotch I'm pregnant. And I can't stay with Chris, it wasn't right.

I had to end the relationship with Chris ASAP.

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