Morcia Baby/Jealousy

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Garcia POV

Derek and I were coming back from our doctors appointment and I was so excited. We saw the baby. And to make it even better, we were having a baby girl.

Derek was so happy. He jumped up and down at the news. I couldn't wait to tell the team.

Emily POV

I was on the roof of the BAU waiting for Steven to call me back. It was safer this way. No one would be able to hear me. I was smoking a cigarette, I stopped smoking a while ago. But old habits die hard right? My phone rang. Great.

"What the hell took you so long?" I asked.

"Chillax Emily. I had some stuff to take care of."

"It doesn't matter any more. Are we doing this or not?"

"For the type of cash your offering, hell yeah. What do you need me to do?"

"Get rid of him, I don't care how you do it. If it means putting him back behind bars or killing him. Just do it. I need him gone."

"Yes Ma'am."

"I'll send you half of the money now, and the other half when the job is finished."

"I knew you wouldn't have it any other way. Bye Emily."


I hung up. I put out my cigarette and went outside. I washed my mouth and put on perfume. Couldn't risk somebody smelling me. I went to my desk and sat down.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.


"Were losing her! Hurry up." Yelled a medic in the back of the ambulance with me.

He was holding towels to my neck to stop the bleeding.

I felt cold and tired. I had fought him. I fought him hard. I couldn't breathe. My ribs hurt. He kicked them in really bad. I started fading out.

I heard the medic yell some more then it all went black.


I snapped out of my flashback, Morgan and Garcia were here. Finally something good to get my mind off all the bad.

Hotch POV

Emily was acting strange. She tried to hide it but she couldn't. She started wearing a lot of perfume lately, like if she didn't want me to smell something.

What smell could she be hiding. What did she not want me to try to figure out. Then I started thinking about Rush. Could she have cheated on me again? Is it another man she doesn't want me to smell?

I saw her sit down on her desk and look worried. What else could she be hideing. That had to be it. How could she do this to me again. After her supposedly swearing she loves me.

Then she looked toward the door and jumped out of her chair. Morgan and Garcia were here.

Emily POV

"I want to see the pictures." I said.

Garcia handed them to me and I called for Aaron. He came out of his office and I ran to show him the photos.

"Look at the ultrasound photos. The baby is so cute."I said.

He looked a little upset when he came out of his office but softened up a little.

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