A Big Suprise

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Emily POV

I was nervous about telling Jack, but I was also really happy. I loved Jack, he was such an adorable little boy. I was hoping that he would be happy about being an older brother.

We got to Jack's school and waited for him in the car. He saw us and waved and ran to the car.

"Hi Auntie Emily. Hi Daddy." He said.

"Hey Buddy." Aaron said.

"Hey Jack, how are you?" I asked.

"Good." He answered.

Aaron drove us to a pizza place and we got a table. I knew it was time.

"Hey, Jack. We have a suprise for you." Aaron said.

"Really! What is it?" He asked enthusiastically.

"How would you like it if Auntie Emily, became Mommy Emily?"

"Does that mean Emily will be living with us?"

"Yeah Buddy."

"Well, if that's OK with you." I said.

He looked at me and got up from his chair. He ran towards me and hugged me.

"I love you Aun- Mommy Emily."

I hugged him tightly.

"Jack, how would you like to have a little brother or sister?" Asked Aaron.

"I want one!" He said excited.

"Well, Emily is going to have a baby."

He looked even happier.

"I want to hold it. Can I feed the baby?"

"Hold on sweetheart. The baby's not born yet, but when he or she is, of course you can." I said.

He looked happy and excited. I couldn't wait to have this baby.

The pizza got here and we ate. Then Aaron said that he had to take Jack home and that we could have dinner later on that day. He dropped me off at my apartment and he drove off. I got ready. I decided to wear a velvet dress with black high heals. I curled my hair and put on my make up. The door bell rang and I went to go get it.

Hotch POV

She looked amazing. She looked beautiful. She took my breathe away. I couldn't wait to ask her.

"Wow! You look great." I said.

"Thanks, so do you." She replied.

"Well, we should go."

We got to the restaurant and were seated. I hope she hadn't suspected anything. I told her I dropped something by her foot and she started looking for it. I took out the box. She looked back at me and she saw the ring.

"Emily Prentiss, will you marry me?"

Emily POV

Oh my God. I couldn't believe this.

"I......I can't." I said.

He looked hurt.

"What, but why?" He asked confused.

"Aaron, I don't want you to think that I'm forcing you to be with me because I'm pregnant. Aaron I love you, but-"

Then his lips were on mine.

"Emily, I love you. You are not forcing me to do anything. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, for better of worse." He kissed me again.

"Ok, Yes."

He hugged me. I was excited and happy. I was going to marry Aaron Hotchner.

"So how does Emily Hotchner sound to you?" He asked jokingly.

"It sounds pretty great to me."

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