All I Need

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Emily POV

I heard a knock on my door and went to go get. And, I was pretty suprised to see Hotch standing there.

"Hotch, what are you doing here?" I asked.

But before I could ask him another question, his lips were on mine. I hesitated at first, but it felt amazing. I never wanted him to stop. We both ran out of breath eventually. We looked at each other, and I had a feeling, I knew his final answer.

"Emily. I'm an idiot. I should have never told you all of those horrible things. I was afraid. I didn't think I was the man you deserved. Emily, I love you. I have always loved you, and that is the truth. I have loved you ever since you walked into my office. I wake up every morning excited to see you." He grabbed my hands and told me," That night was never a mistake. That was the best night of my entire life. And I would have done it again and again. But Emily, please don't leave me. Please."

I couldn't believe he was telling me all of this. He loved me more than I knew. And I loved him more than he knew. Of course I wasn't leaving. He is the man I love.

"Aaron, of course I won't leave. I love you. I was just hurt by the things you said. And, scared. I didn't know what to do if you weren't here with me." I said.

"You mean, the baby?"

"What? How did you know?"

"JJ. She told me. She made me realize how stupid I was. And, we are going to raise this baby together."

"Aaron, I don't want to force you in to this because I'm pregnant."

"Emily, I love you. That will never change. You are all I need."

Tears were coming to my eyes. This is like a dream. Aaron and I will be together, forever.

"Wait, what about Beth?"

"I was on the phone with her, while I was driving here. It turns out that she was cheating on me."

"Oh my God, Aaron. I'm so sorry."

"I'm not. Now I know, we were meant to be together."

"I'm love you Aaron."

"I'm love you to Emily."

We talked for a while about all the baby decisions. Aaron said he was going to cook for me. So while he was doing that, there was a very important phone call I had to make. I got Clyde's card from the counter and grabbed my phone.

"Hello." He answered.

"Hey, Clyde. It's me Emily." I said.

"Aaahh. So I think that you have made up your mind about my offer."

"Yes, I have."


"I'm sorry Clyde. This is an amazing opportunity, but I can't take it. The father of the baby and I have decided to stay together."

"Don't worry. I knew deep down, you probably weren't ever going to leave DC."

"So your not upset?"

"Of course not. Take care of yourself Emily. And remember, if you have a boy, and you can't figure out what name to give the baby. You know who to think of."

"Haha. You got it. Bye, Clyde."

"Goodbye, Emily Prentiss."

After my phone call with Clyde, I definitely felt a lot calmer. I went over to the kitchen and Aaron was cooking. I went behind him and put my arms around his waist. He turned around and kissed me.

"So, what are we going to do about the team? What about Erin? She's going to fire us. And Jack? What if he doesn't like the idea of us together?" I asked.

"Hey, one question at a time. First of all, Jack loves you. There is no problem there. Second, JJ likes the idea of us together. So should everybody else. And about Erin. She'll just have to deal with it. Because your not leaving and neither am i." He answered.


We ate dinner and he said that he should get home to Jack. So I walked him to the door. He kissed me again.

"We will tell everyone tomorrow. Whether they like it or not. Then we will pick up Jack from school and tell him to." He said.

"Ok, I'm just nervous."

"Don't be. Everything will come out great."

"Ok, I love you Aaron."

"I love you to."

Then he left. God was I scared for tomorrow.

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