Momma's Home(Final Chapter)

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Emily POV

I came out of Strauss' office with paperwork in my hand. She was confused at first but understood. She knew why I was doing this and my reasons. I sat down and filled out line after line. I looked up and saw Aaron in his office. I wonder how he'd take the news. I was really hoping he was going to be ok with this. I looked around and saw the team filling out their paperwork for the case, this was going to kill them.

After I finished I went up to Aaron's office. He smiled when I walked in.

"I just wanted to give you these." I said sitting down and giving him the folder.

He opened it and looked inside. His smile faded and he looked just as confused as Strauss. I knew he probably wasn't happy.

"Emily I- I don't understand. Your turning in your papers."

"Yeah. I'm done." I said with tears. He came over to sit next to me.

"I still don't understand." He looked shocked, still trying to figure out why I was leaving.

"After the whole incident with your brother, it made me think about a lot of things."

"Emily, you don't ever have to worry about him ever again."

"I know, but still."

He looked into my eyes, I hated making him sad.

"Aaron we have 3 amazing kids, who deserve at least one parent in their lives. And i'm not saying that your neglecting or i'm neglecting them, it's just.... Declan has this idea in his head, that he doesn't belong here with us. Jack's grades are slipping, and Jayne is barely starting. They need somebody there, someone they can depend on. Someone they can see everyday and not have the job get in the way."

"Emily we can still do that while working."

"3 years ago, I would wake up every morning, come here, go on the case, finish, then go home. Then repeat. Now I have 3 kids to look after. My job used to be the most important thing to me. I used to live for my job, it was my priority. I have been hurt and been in the hospital enough times to last me 4 life times. That's enough for me. I love my job, I really do. I begged you for this job."

He smiled remembering when we first met.

"But now, it doesn't seem so important. Declan had a bad father, and his mother kidnapped him. Then he saw both his parents get shot and killed in front of him. Hailey was the most important person to Jack, and now she's gone. And Jayne is too young to understand any of this. And I really don't want her to. I don't want them to ever fear losing me again. I want them to know how much I love them, and I want to show them that by being there. My kids have, are, and always will be my priority. And I need to prove that to them. And having to pick my kids or the job, my family comes first. I'm a mom and a wife first."

"How am I so lucky to have you?"I smiled and we kissed. "I think your making the right choice."

"Thank you." I said kissing him again. "I just don't know how to tell the team. How there going to take it."

"They'll understand. They'll have to."

"Yeah. I guess they will." I said looking out the window to see them.

"Let's tell them together. I'll get them all set at the round table."

"Thank you." I said kissing him before he left.

I went over and saw a picture of all of us on his desk. No matter how much regret was running through my mind of trying to leave, I knew that this was the right choice.
I went into the round table. Everyone was there, talking.

"Ok. Everyone, Emily has an announcement she would like to make." Said Aaron.

Everyone turned to me. "Uhmm. Ok so, I don't know how to say this. Or how to even begin to explain, but..."

JJ looked at me and figured it out. "No, Emily. You can't."

Derek caught on and his smile dropped. "Your leaving us?"

"Yeah. Its just something I have to do for not only me, but my family. My kids need me, and I need them. The hours I work, the hours we work. Aaron and I can't both do this. And he is not about to play stay at home daddy." I looked over at him and he smiled.

"I'm gonna miss you pussy cat." Said Garcia running over and hugging me.

"Guys I'm not moving. I'm just not working here anymore. But we will see each other. I promise." I said.

Everybody else hugged me. Now I felt sad and started getting teary eyed. "I can't believe I'm going to be a house wife." I said laughing.

Everyone else laughed and we set up a date to all get together with the kids.

Aaron had more paperwork to finish so I headed off home.

I drove to the house and walked into my house. All 3 kids ran up to me and I opened my arms.

"Your home." Said Declan, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Yes I am. Momma's home." I said kissing them all and went to go get dinner started.

Aaron got home an hour later and we sat down to eat dinner. I loved my family at the BAU, but at some point everything comes to an end.

My children and my family comes first. And I am ready to start a new chapter of my life.


(Thanks again for all the reads guys. I am so grateful. And in a couple weeks I'm thinking of starting a fanfic story called Dentiss(Doyle and Prentiss). I mean I can't be the only one who ships Doyle and Prentiss together. Ok bye you guys.)

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