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Emily POV

I washed my face with water, my headache was coming back and it hurt more this time. I've been having headaches for a couple days now. Its probably stress.

I heard a knock on the door but when I started walking I had to hold on to the wall. I got dizzy, and I knew the person on the other side of the door was saying something, I just didn't understand anything.

"Iiiittt'sss occ-ccc-upieddd." Why was I struggling with my words. I held my head in my hands. Fuck this hurt.

I opened the bathroom and tripped out. I looked drunk. I made my way back to the team. Aaron looked at me with worry. Ow! That pain again. What the hell is happening to me?

Poloma immediately noticed something was wrong. "Hey, Em. What's going on."

"I-i don't kn-know. Ow!" I held my head and Aaron yelled for a doctor.

"Ma'am, I'm doctor Mills. What happened?"

"My-my heeaadd. It hurts. A l-lot." Then my body started shaking.

"She's seizing! Someone get me a gurny."

Aaron POV

When Emily came out of the bathroom she looked drunk but she started complaining about her head. I thought at first she was making it up but I called the doctor just in case. And she didn't make a lot of sense when she was talking. Then she started shaking and the doctor said she was having a seizure.

The took her on a gurney, I tried to follow but they said I couldn't go. "That's my wife! I should go with her!"

"Please just stay here Sir." One of the nurses said.

We waited for almost an hour. I constantly went to the front desk to ask questions but they turned me away. With the usual 'they don't know anything yet' crap.

Emily POV

I woke up with machines beeping and needles in me. It reminded me of when I had Jayne.

"Good, your awake." Said doctor Mills.

"What happened?"

"You had a seizure, I brought you in and checked out what was going on."

"So what is it?"

He looked at me with a worried face and sat down next to me. "Emily, have you had any accident lately?"

"Lately, no. Not in a while."

"Ok what about in the past. It would have to have been an accident where you hit your head really hard."

I immediately thought of my accident with Doyle. "Well there was one a long time ago. I'm a cop. I was wearing a bullet proof vest, but someone shot me and I fell and hit my head on the ground. Then he threw me against a brick wall, I tried to cover my face. But I still hit my head. Do you mean an accident like that?" I was really confused. What was going on?

"Emily, I don't want to sugar coat this for you. So I'm just gonna come right out and say it. Emily i took x-rays of your head. The results came back in. You have a blood clot on the right side, back part of your head."

"What? What, but I don't get it."

"Is there any history of blood clots in your family?"

I thought about it. Yeah there was. "My father, I never met him. But my mom said that one time they went to the doctor and found a blood clot."

"That could be why you have it, and when you got hurt on the job it grew. It stopped growing. Then the stress you've had with your friend might have caused your blood pressure go up. Causing your blood clot to grow."

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