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Emily POV

So its been a month since the whole Rush thing. And I went to go see somebody about the blood clot, I was prescribed meditation and it went away. So I was pretty much good. I was put on desk duty for 2 weeks. So I worked the cases from Quantico with Garcia. Aaron had slowly forgiven me. So we were ok for now.

I was just happy to have my life back, well sort of.

I got off the elevator with a coffee in my hand. Today was my last day of desk duty. Thank God. I loved Penelope, but I missed working in the field.

I sat at my desk and started fileing paperwork. Rossi came out of his office and called me in to talk to him.

"Why do I feel like I'm in trouble?" I asked.

"I don't know. You tell me." He said.

"What's going on Rossi?"

"I heard Strauss talking to someone on the phone, she was talking about you. And some other Agent, I think his name was Clay."

"Clay and I are friends. He helped me get in the FBI. He trained me. I haven't seen him in almost 10 years."

"Well, whoever Strauss was talking to. It didn't sound good Emily."


I walked to my desk unsure on what I did for Strauss to be talking about me and Clay.
Aaron POV

I saw Emily come out of Rossi's office, with a look of confusion on her face. I went down to her desk and kissed her head.

"Hello." I said.

She looked up and smiled. "Hey, I know you wanted these reports finished. I'm almost done. Just give me another half an hour."

"Its fine. What were you and Rossi talking about?"

"Oh, uhhh. He just wanted to warn me about something he heard about Strauss. I guess she's going to want to talk to me soon."

"Ok."I kissed her forehead and went back up to my office.

Half an hour later Emily came into my office with the reports.

"Here you go. Is there anything else?"

"Yeah, come here." I said.

She smiled and walked over to me. I sat her down on my lap and kissed her.

Then we heard a knock on the door. "Come in."

"Oh excuse me. Sorry I didn't know I was interrupting something." Said JJ

"Don't wary Jayje." Said Emily.

"Um, Emily. Strauss wants to see you. Now."

"Ok. Bye baby." She said kissing my lips.

Emily POV

I was nervous. I had a really bad feeling. I knocked on her door and she motioned for me to come sit down.

"Ma'am you asked for me." I said.

"Yes, Emily. I got a call form Agent Clay Donavan."

"I heard."

"Emily, Clay got a call from a detective in LA."

"Ok. What's that got to do with me?"

She handed me a file and as soon as I read it I recognized the name. A bunch of emotions came back to me. A bunch of memories. None of them were good. Smells and sounds that I hated. That took me weeks, months to forget.

"Emily, your life and lives of your family, are at great risk."

Hotch POV

I went down to talk to everyone but Emily wasn't there. I asked JJ where she was.

"She's still with Strauss."

"Well, Emily is coming back to work on the field tomorrow. We take it easy and calmly. I don't want her getting hurt again." I said.

They all agreed.

Emily POV

I stayed in Strauss' office. We continued to talk.

"How long?" I asked.

"A week and a half." She answered.

"A week and a half! You have known for a week and a half and didn't tell me!" I knew better than to yell at my boss but what the hell. "You can't be the only one. Who else knows?"


"No. Who else knows?"

"Your mother also knows."

"She what! She knows. What does my team know. Does everyone seem to know but me!" I knew my team didn't know but I was still pissed. She wasn't able to answer so I just walked away.

I felt upset, pissed, and sick. I really needed to be alone and think but everyone was by the desks. I couldn't avoid them so I put on a fake smile and went and put my hand on Aarons back.

He kissed my cheek and I sat on my desk. Morgan and Penelope were talking about the doctors appointment they were going to in a couple days.

In couldn't be happier for them. They were going to make amazing parents.

I excused myself and went into the locker room. I took out my phone and called my mom.

"Emily. I'm glad you called. I was going just going to call you. We should have lunch." She said cheerfully.

"A week and a half Mom."

"A week and a half for us to have lunch? Fine then how about dinner then?"

"No mom. Robert Matthews. One week!"

"Ohh, Emily. I'm sorry. We didn't want you to stress out because of your head."

"That doesn't make me finding out any better."

"Look Emily don't worry about a thing. I will fix this."

"No! I will fix this. I will take care of it and you will butt out."

I hung up and punched my fist against the locker. It hurt but my adrenaline was pumping. I took a deep breath.

Looks like things were crashing down again.

Hotch POV

I was going through some files and opened my safe to take out another file. I accidentally took out the Reapers case file. I looked through it and remembered everything.

Hailey, Jack, the stabbing. The shooting, fighting. Hospitals, funerals. Deaths. My love, my life.

(Hey everyone. Tell me what you think of my newest chapter. Like of no like. And don't worry about Robert Matthews, he is not like Johnathan Rush. It is the complete opposite. But you guys won't find out more about him for another couple chapters.)

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