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Emily POV

I woke up to my phone ringing. I checked the caller ID, Uhhh he has to stop. I answered, "Cut it out!" I took a shower and met Aaron downsrairs.

Aaron and I were eating breakfast when the call came in.

"We have a case." Said Aaron.

"When don't we. Let's go." We said goodbye to the kids and went to work.

Everyone was in the bullpen. "JJ, you changed your hair, you went back to bangs."

She looked startled and smiled. "Yeah, um Will thought it was a better idea." She said nervously.

"Right, well they look good."

She smiled again and looked away quickly. She's also wearing a turtleneck. She never wears turtlenecks. Whats going on with JJ?

"Ok Crime fighters. You are going to Arizona, 12 men killed and tortured in the past 2 weeks."

"This is a lot of damage, and so quickly." Said JJ

"He doesn't waist time." Said Morgan.

"Well, this unsub could be working with a partner. This looks like it would take a lot of work to do alone." Said Rossi.

"Especially because of the size of these guys, they are pretty buff." Said Blake

"So it wouldn't be so easy to subdue them." Said Reid.

"Ok, well wheels up in 30. Get your bags ready." Said Aaron.

We all got up and went to go get our bags.

I went to talk to Morgan about something when I saw JJ walk into the locker room.

I followed her and heard her talking on the phone with Will.


Will and I had another fight. Emily noticed my haircut, I hope she didn't notice the bruise and cut on my forehead. Hell that's the only reason I cut my hair and got bangs again. Will had gotten drunk and got mad. He smashed my forhead into the kitchen counter. My forehead hurt bad. It was purple. Then I yelled at him and he put his hands on my throat and squeezed until I passed out.

My phone rang and it was Will. "Hello."

"JJ, can we talk about last night please?" He pleaded.

"Hurry. The jet leaves in a little bit."

"Jayge, please forgive me. I am so sorry."

"Will, this isn't the first time."

"I know. And I swear I will go get help. I promise. I really will. I hate putting you through this."

"Will, you always tell me you'll go see someone. When?!? You always put it off until it happens agagin. I'm tired of being your punching bag when you get drunk. It hurts. I have a bruise on my forehead!"

"JJ, I am so sorry. I really am. Babe you have to believe me. I love you."

At that point I was crying and I couldn't listen to him anymore. "Will, I can't do this anymore. I can't keep coming home, and wondering what mood you'll be in. I don't want to be afraid of you, but you leave me no choice."

"JJ I will stop."

"When? When I'm in the hospital fighting for my life?!?"

Emily POV

I heard JJ arguing with Will on the phone, I didn't want to listen but I heard her yell, "When I'm in the hospital fighting for my life!" I was suprised by what she said? Especially the tone of voice she had with Will. JJ never yelled. I kept listening and I couldn't anymore, Will was beating JJ, my best friend. My sister.

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