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Emily POV

10 minutes after I had fallen asleep my cell phone rang. I turned on the light and reached for my phone. I didn't recognize the number.

"Emily Prentiss." I said. Aaron had woken up and looked at me with a confused look on his face.

"Hello, my name is Sergeant Petterson. Do you know a Penelope Garcia and Derek Morgan?" Asked the man on the other side of the phone.

"Yes, is there a problem? What is going on?" I asked, I felt my heart betting faster and faster. I had a really bad feeling. I squeezed Aaron's hand.

"Ma'am they have been in a car accident. They have been rushed over to Prince William Hospital in Manassas."

"Oh my god. Are they ok? How did it happen? What about the baby? Penelope is pregnant." Aaron got up and went to call Jessica to come over and watch the kids.

"We aren't sure yet. They were hit by the passenger side of the car. I don't know the extent of the injuries yet, but you should go to the hospital. When we got your friends out, Ms. Garcia was complaining of head injuries. And Mr. Morgan of neck and back injuries. He most likely has Whiplash."

"Oh God. Ok, thank you so much for calling." I got up and took out sweatpants, a t-shirt, and running shoes. I waited for Jessica while Aaron got ready.

When she was here, we immediately got in the car, Aaron driving. I took out my phone to call the rest of the team.


I was wrapped in Spence's arms, we hadn't fallen asleep yet. We were just holding each other. I was messing with his hair when my phone rang. I reached for it and answered.

"Hey Em, what's up?" I asked.

"Jayje, you need to hurry and get to Prince William Hospital now! Garcia and Morgan had an accident." She said.

I practically jumped out of bed. "What! How! How are they?" I asked.

Spence picked up on the conversation and went to go get dressed.

"Someone hit the car, but it doesn't look good. Morgan might have Whiplash, and they couldn't tell me much about Penelope."

"Ok, we're on our way. But, wait, I don't have anyone to watch Henry."

"I had a feeling, just leave him at my place. I told Jessica, she'll watch him."

"Thanks Em, we'll see you soon," I hung up and went to get dressed. Please let them be ok, please let the baby be ok.

Blake POV

Dave was on top of me kissing my neck. I moaned in pleasure. He proceeded to taking off my shirt. His hands wandering down to my thighs. He kissed me as I kissed him back. We were about to, when my phone rang. I reached my hand out to get it but Dave grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"Don't answer it. Let's finish." He said kissing my stomach.

"I'd love to finish but it could be really important. I promise, we will finish." I said kissing him passionately. "Hello, hey Emily. Is something wrong?"

She explained to me the whole situation and I put her on speaker phone so Dave could hear. We got out of bed and started changing. This didn't sound good.

Emily POV

We ran into the hospital and I went to the front desk. "Hi, i'm here for Penelope Garcia and Derek Morgan. They were just brought in. She's pregnant."

The women looked at me with an 'I don't care face'. She looked through the computer. "And you are?" She asked in a ugly attitude.

"We are their friends."

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