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Emily POV

Sean was arrested and we all went back to our normal routines. But I still felt terrible for what Sean told Declan. He didn't deserve that. He had been through enough already. Everybody knew about JJ's pregnancy already, and we were all so happy for her and Reid.

I was downstairs making breakfast for the kids before I went to work. Aaron had left already. So it was just me and the kids.

"Emily, how come you don't stay home with us like other mommies?" Asked Jack.

"Because Jack, a lot of mommies have a choice. They can either go to work, or stay home. And some mommies do both, just like me." I said trying to explain.

"But you and daddy aren't ever home."

"I know. Sometimes our jobs get in the way. But, that doesn't mean we don't love you guys. We love all 3 of you so much."



He left and went upstairs. I rubbed my neck, and went to work. Another case. Great.

Rossi POV

Alex was in my office, we were drinking coffee together. I was reading a book and she was doing a crossword puzzle. She was doing better, I was glad.

We looked like a married couple. Garcia had asked me once, how come I didn't propose to Alex.

The truth was, I have tried. She doesn't want to get married. She thinks she's too old. I'd laugh and kept asking her. But she liked the way we were now. So did I. We didn't need a piece of paper and a couple of rings to show how much we loved each other.

JJ came in and told us we had a case, we got up together. I kissed her before we went to the round table.

Everyone was there already and we went on to the case.

2 Days Later

Emily POV

We were eating in a restaurant eating Chinese. The case was difficult, but Dr. Magic Reid figured it out. How could he not? I swear there kid is going to be one smart little genius.

We were all joking around and having a good time when my phone rang. I checked the caller ID, it was from the house. I excused myself and went to answer.


"Mom?" Said Declan

"Sweetheart, what are you doing up?" I checked my watch. "Its past your bedtime."

"I know. I just couldn't sleep."

"Are you having another bad dream?" He had been having bad dreams lately, and he'd freak out when I wasn't home.

"Yeah. Mom I miss you."

"I miss you to baby. I'll be home tomorrow, ok? I promise. I'll come home."


"Now try to fall asleep. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnite sweetheart."

"Goodnite mom."

He hung up. I missed my kids more everyday. I wanted to be with them.

I went back to the table and Aaron put his hand on my thigh. He gave me the 'are you ok' look. I nodded and put my hand on his.

After 2 hours I'm a little tipsy so Aaron takes me to the hotel room. I almost fell down and start laughing. Aaron takes me into the room and he throws me onto the bed.

He goes to lock the door and when he comes back I go over to him and start kissing him.

"Emily your drunk." He says.

"Duh, I know that. Come one Aaron. Let's do it. I want you." I say unbuckling his belt and lowering his pants.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." I kiss him and he returns the kiss, harder. Our clothes are off in a matter of seconds.

He enters me and starts slowly, then picks up the pace. Our breathing getting quicker and heavier. He thrusts harder and harder and I wrap my legs around his waist.

He goes quicker and I can feel myself about to come.

I yell for him not to stop and he doesn't. After he reaches his climax I collapse next to him. I loved Aaron so much, and the decision I was going to make when we got back, was going to show that. It was my sacrifice for us, all of us.

The Next Day

We got back to Quantico and I went up to Strauss' office. I knocked and she yelled to come in.

"Ma'am, there is something I'd like to discuss with you."

(Hey everyone. The chapter after this one is my final chapter. Thank you all so much for all the reads, likes, and comments. I love reading what you guys think about my story. It's just that I have no more ideas to put into my story. As you all know I have put the Hotchniss couple through the ringer. But I am still writing, I have my Bensidy(Law and Order SVU) and Jemily story. So I'm busy with those. I'll try to update those ASAP. But just letting you all know, Hotchniss is ending on chapter 50. Bye.)

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