Our Boys/The Name

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Emily POV
So after seeing Declan again I knew that there was no way in hell I was going to leave him again. I spoke with his "parents" and they knew Declan wasn't happy. And they wanted me to take him. I was ecstatic. I couldn't wait to be apart of Declan's life again. I just wanted to make sure Aaron was ok with this whole new arrangement. It would be two kids coming into the family. And what about Jack? I know he's happy about having a baby sister, but what about having an older brother. Declan doesn't even know about the baby.The wedding is coming up soon and I'm super stressed out.

I had taken a couple of days off of work to be with Declan. So I hadn't spoken to Aaron about any of this yet. The team doesn't even know about this yet.

I drove to the BAU with Declan with me. He was listening to music and looking out the window. I really wanted Aaron to be ok with this, but I also wanted Declan to be comfortable. I want him to feel loved and feel apart of the family.

When we got to the BAU everyone was sitting around and talking. Declan looked at me a little nervously. I knew he was scared. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. He smiled and we walked in. Reid was the first one to notice us and he looked a little suprised. Mr. Eidetic memory realized who it was and said, "Oh my God. It's him."

Everyone turned making Declan feel a little embarrassed and shy. His cheeks turned red.

I walked Declan towards the group and introduced them, again. "Everyone, this is Declan. You guys remember him right?"

"Of course. Hi." Said Garcia. She shook his hand. Everyone said hi and asked him questions. I asked them to watch him and went up to Aaron's office.

He was looking out the window watching Declan and the rest of the Agent's. I put my arms around his waist and hugged him. He turned around and kissed me on the lips.

"So how are things between you and Declan?" He asked.

"Good. Things are great right now. I spoke to the family that was taking care of him and they said that I could take him."

"That's great."

"Are you ok, with all of this?" I asked looking him in the eyes.

"If your happy, then I'm happy."

"Ok, I just want to make sure this is ok. I mean with the wedding planning and the baby coming, I just don't want you to get overwhelmed with all of this."

He kissed me and said, "None of this is overwhelming. We are going to be a family. And I'm happy that Declan is around."

"You are just the best guy in the entire world." I said hugging him tightly.

"I know." I playfully punched him in the arm.

"What a about Jack? Wouldn't he be a little upset about this?"

"Maybe in the beginning. But he will get used to it, and he will learn to love Declan and our new baby girl." He said rubbing my belly.

We kissed again and went down to where everybody else was. We had decided to have the boys meet later on that night. Aaron went to go get Jack and Declan and I went to the restaurant. We got there first which gave me the chance to talk to him about the wedding and the baby.

I had ordered for a table of 4. Declan didn't know about Aaron and I yet. He looked confused. When we sat down I spoke.

"Ok, your probably wondering why I ordered a table of 4. Declan do you remember the man that brought you to me the other day?"

"Yeah, his name was Agent Hotchner."

"Yes, we'll he's my boss. And we have gotten really close. And, we are in a relationship. We're getting married in a week and a half."

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