Girl Or Boy

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Emily POV

About a week after talking to my mom it was time for my second doctor's appointment. Aaron and I drove there together. We both wanted a girl. We were so excited. It would be amazing for Jack to have a little sister.

My doctor entered the room and we went through the whole process with the ultrasound again. Hotch held my hand the entire time.

Hotch POV

I was holding Emily's hand, God I was nervous.

"OK, so everything looks fine. The baby looks healthy." Said the Doctor.

Emily looked up to me with a big smile on her face. I kissed her forehead.

"Would you two like to know the sex of the baby?" Asked the Doctor.

"Yes, please." I said.

"Ok, well, congradulations. Say hello to your baby girl."

Emily's eyes sparkled with tears. "Thank you, thank you." Emily hugged me and kissed me.

"We are going to have a daughter sweetheart." I said.

I held Emily close. I couldn't wait to hold my baby daughter. I couldn't wait to see Jack's face when he finds out he's going to have a little sister.

After Emily got dressed we drove to the BAU.

Emily POV

I was so excited. I was going to have a baby girl. My baby. Our baby.

The team was waiting for us.

"Ok, so, is it a boy or a girl? Is it twins?" Asked Garcia.

"Hold on baby girl. Let Em talk." Said Morgan touching Garcia's shoulder gently. She grabbed his hand and relaxed. There was definitely something going on between them. I would need to talk to Penelope about that later.

"It's a.....girl." I said.

"Oh Emily I'm so happy for you guys." JJ hugged me.

"Do you guys have any names in mind?" Asked Reid.

"Not yet." Answered Aaron.


I went to go see Garcia in her "lair".

"Hey Garcia."

"Hey Em. Did you need something?"

"Yes and no."

Garcia turned to face me. "What do you mean?"

"What's going on between you and "chocolate thunder."

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Penelope immediately turned around. Not meeting my eyes.

"Garcia, your forgetting that your taking to a profiler here. You can so tell there is something going on. Tell me." I said grabbing her hands.

"Ok, you just have to promise me that you won't tell him."

"I promise."

"Ok, so you know how we mess around sometimes. Well, the other day, it felt different. I realized that I really like Dereck. But he doesn't know. I'm afraid that he won't want to be around me anymore."

"Penelope, Morgan loves you."

"Yeah, but if I tell him, this could affect our relationship."

"Garcia, this will not affect your relationship. You never know, maybe he feels the same way. Just talk to him."

"Ok. I will."


After work Aaron and I drove to his place. Jack was playing with his Aunt.

When Jack saw me her ran towards me with his arms in the air.

"Hi Emily."

"Hi sweetheart. What are you doing?"

"Me and auntie are building houses. Wanna play?"

"I would love to play."

While I was playing with Jack, Aaron talked to his sister in law. They said goodbye and she left.

"Ok Jack. We have some good news." Said Aaron.


"You are going to have a baby sister."


Jack looked ecstatic. He hugged me and his dad. I couldn't wait to have my baby, then we would be a big family. That's all I've ever wanted. Ever since what happened with Ian and Declan, I wanted a child. I took care of Declan as if he were mine. Now I will have my baby, that no one will ever be able to take from me. I just hopped I could be a good mother.

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