Last Night

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Emily POV

I couldn't believe it, this week had flied by. I would be married tomorrow to the man that I loved. Everything was ready. We bought a house and would move in the day after the wedding. We had decided to hold off on the honeymoon until after the baby was born. And the boys were getting along great.

Aaron was going to go to a bar with the boys while I went dancing with the girls. We had a babysitter ready so everything was set for tonight. I was so nervous. Never in a million years would I have thought that I would marry my boss and make a family.

Aaron POV

Emily was going to be my wife. I was going to marry her and we would be happy. God how I loved her. We were both getting ready to go out. I hadn't felt so nervous like this before, well not since Hailey. I wanted to make sure she was OK with this. I just wish I could talk to her one more time. To know what she thinks about all of this.

Emily finished changing and she look absolutely breath taking.

I went over and kissed her, "Hi."

"Hello." She said with a smile.

"So, the babysitter is almost here and I know the girls will be here soon, so I just wanted to tell you that I am so lucky to have you. And I can't wait for you to be my wife."

Her eyes got a little teary and she kissed me again. "I love you Aaron."

The doorbell rang and she went to get it. The girls were here. JJ came in and noticed that Emily's eyes were watery.

"What did you do to her? Don't forget Hotch, I can kick ass and I will kick yours." Said JJ.

Emily started laughing while wiping away the tears. "No, Its OK. It's a good cry, not bad."

"Mmhhmm." Said Penelope looking at me.

We all laughed and the doorbell rang again. It was the guys.

Everyone hugged and said their hellos. We all sat around waiting for the babysitter. Emily sat on my lap and I noticed that Dereck and Penelope were sitting really close. There was something going on between them.

Finally the babysitter got here and we all left in separate cars. The girls were all spending the night at JJ's, something about makeup and changing. Whatever. I kissed Emily and they left in Blake's car.

Emily POV

Alex drove us to my favorite restaurant and we were seated. We talked about what time we were waking up and who was going to do who's hair.

"Soo, Penelope how are things with you and Dereck?" I said

Penelope blushed and smiled. Alex and JJ looked at each other and started smiling.

"No way." Said Alex

"Yeah!" Answered Penelope.

"Oh my God, I can't believe it. I am the worst profiler ever! How did I not notice before. It's so abvious." Said JJ

We all burst out laughing and talked more about Penelope and Dereck.

I saw all my friends laughing and enjoying themselves, I realized how lucky I was to have them. They made my day better. I thought that after Doyle things would never get better for me, but things were going even better than I could imagine. I rubbed my belly a little bit, knowing that soon I would hold my baby girl in my arms, Jayne.

Hotch POV

The guys were joking around as usual. We were all having a great time. Reid went to the bathroom. And Rossi went to order more drinks. Morgan and I were alone and I went ahead and spoke. "Morgan, what's going on?"

"What are you talking about?" He asked surprised.

"You and Garcia."

He looked a little surprised that I asked. "Look Hotch, I know it's against the rules and all, but I love Penelope. More than you know. She makes me happy. She fills that little space in my heart that has been empty for a really long time."

"Dereck, I'm not telling you to break up with her. I just wanted to congratulate you."

"Oh, I thought that-"

"Morgan I think your forgetting that I am about to marry my co-worker. And I don't plan on firing you or her. You both do excellent work. I am going to tell you the same thing that Strauss told me. You guys can continue dating, unless it interferes with the job."

"Thanks Hotch, and can you like not make a big deal out of it to the guys?"

"Of course not." I said jokingly.

The guys came back and I yelled," Morgan and Penelope are dating!"

They ran over and hugged him and patted him on the back. Morgan gave me the 'I'm going to kill you' look.

We enjoyed the rest of our night and before we knew it, it was already 12. The guys drove me home and I went to check on Jack and Declan. Jack was asleep in his star wars pajamas, and Declan was stirring a little bit. He opened his eyes and focused on me. "Oh, hey. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"No, it's ok. I wasn't asleep. I have a hard time sleeping."

"Why do you have a hard time sleeping?"

Declan looked away, cautious on what he was going to say. "Follow me." I said

We left Jack's room and moved to the dinning room. It was filled with boxes for the move.
"Look Declan, I realize that you are very hesitant with me, and I would like to try to get closer together. We are going to be living together permanently."

"I get that and all, it's just, Its hard for me to trust people quickly, like adults and stuff."

"If your talking about what happened with your dad, I know."

He looked up with tears in his eyes. "I just, I feel like I should hate him, right? I mean he was bad, but I can't. I miss him, even if I didn't know him."

"Declan, it's natural to feel this way, he was your dad. You don't have to hate him, your mind only remembers the good parts of him that you can't hate. Have you told any of this to Emily?"

"No, I don't know how. What if she gets upset, or doesn't like what I have to say."

"Declan, Emily isn't going to be upset with you. What happened between your dad and Emily is in the past. Whatever happened, happened. And I think it would be good for you two to talk about this."

"Ok, thanks."

"But, why aren't you sleeping?"

He looked me in the eyes and looked frightened. "Everytime, I try to sleep, I see it all over again. My dad being shot by my "mom".

I got closer to Declan and put my hand on his shouler. "It's ok. It's natural to have this type of problem, you have Post traumatic stress disorder."

"Will it ever go away?"

"One day, and I will help you with it."

"Thanks, uh Agent Hotchner"

"Call me Aaron."

"Thank you."

He hugged me quickly and started walking back to Jack's room. "And, I wanted you to know that, I'm glad your going to marry Emily. I can tell you make her happy, really happy."

I was glad Declan opened up to me, I hope we can continue talking like this. I checked the time and it was 12:53. In a couple hours I would marry the mother of my daughter. The love of my life.

Emily POV

We were at JJ's house and I was sleeping in the spare room. I couldn't believe this, I was going to marry Aaron Hotchner in a couple hours. These last few months were a huge roller coaster. I rubbed my belly, and got into bed.


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