Making Up

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Emily POV

The day after Aaron and I had fought we barely spoke two words to each other. He went to run and didn't come back for a while. That was actually a good thing, I needed to make a phone call and I didn't want him there.

I called my therapist, the one who helped me after my fight with Doyle. I told her about the fight and the nightmare I had. And about what I did to myself on my chest. She said I was experiencing PTSD, but I was confused. How could it have come back? I had stopped having nightmare's, I even stopped bitting my nails. She said that the fight with Aaron made me feel vulnerable and afraid. And the talk with Declan about Ian, triggered the dreams to start coming in again. Great, now I won't want to sleep.

A couple hours after, I had cooked for the kids and was cleaning up when Aaron walked in.

"Hey, how was your run?" I asked.

"Fine." He answered putting down his gym bag.

"Can we talk?"

"Emily, I have to take a shower."

"Please, this will only take a second."

He sighed and sat down at the dinner table.

"Do you want something to eat?"

"No. What did you want to talk about?"

"Look, I hate fighting with you. Can we just forget about all of it?"

Aaron POV

She wants me to forget about the fact that she is still in love with a killer. It doesn't work that way.

When I was going to answer her, the phone rang.

"Hello. Yes, alright Garcia were on our way. We have a case, Emily get ready, Now."

I walked away and went upstairs to take a shower. This was going to be a long case.

Emily POV

He totally just ignored my question. What the hell, shouldn't I be the obe furious at him? Why is he mad?

I ran over the conversation we had in our bedroom over and over. "I have the right to talk about the people I love." What the hell did he mean about that?

What did that even have to do with anything. I didn't compare him to anyone I loved. The only other person I loved was Ian. I only told Declan I loved-. Crap, Aaron must have heard me tell Declan I still loved his father. That's why he's mad. He thinks I don't love him.

So that's why he's mad at me. I went upstairs but he was in the shower. I went to get ready. I was going to wear a silky blouse but you are able to see the scratches from the night before. So I went with a blouse that covered up everything. Jeans and boots.

How am I going to explain to Aaron that I love him? He walked out of the bathroom changed and we left for work. The car ride was silent. Fuck.

When we entered Spencer looked at me but noticed the tention between me and Aaron. So he didn't say anything.

Garcia told us about the case and we immediately went to the jet. Aaron sat next to Rossi in the back of the plane. JJ went to sleep. And Morgan was listening to music.

It was just me and Reid.

"Hey, so what happened?" He asked.

"We got into a bigger fight and now we barely talk."

He squeezed my hand and went to read a book. I looked out the window when JJ came to sit next to me.

"Why are you so quiet?" She asked.

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