Miracle Birth

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*Many Months Later*

Emily POV

Jesus Christ, I'm so big. Like literally, I'm huge. Today is my last day at work, I just have to go over some more things with the girl whose taking my place while I go on maternity leave. Aaron left earlier then me. I am exhausted, I need my sleep because I have a doctor's appointment today. The baby makes it harder to sleep. The baby has been kicking a lot. And my back has been killing me lately.

I got in my car and drove to the BAU. I saw Morgan and Reid goofing around at their desks.

"Hey, where's Rachel?" I asked them.

"Oh, she had some family emergency. So she took off." Said Reid

"Uh, are you serious? But I drove all the way here. I need my sleep. Why didn't she call me?" I said putting my phone down on my desk.

"She didn't want to bother you. Since you had the doctor's appointment today, she figured you'd just bail." Said JJ

"Awe man." I complained while rubbing my back.

"Hey, are you OK?" Asked Blake.

"Yeah, it's just that my back has been killing me." I say rubbing it again.

"Why don't you just sit for a while." Asked Morgan.

"No, thanks. I'll just go visit Aaron."

"Uh sorry Em, but he's in a metting with the border of directors." Said Rossi.

"Shit, I forgot that was today. Oh well, I'll just go back home. I need to restore my energy to deal with the appointment." I say pointing at my stomach.

I wave goodbye and start walking out, when I feel the urge to sit down. I take a seat on the bench and breathe in and out. Slowly inhale and exhale. Then I feel the little trickle of liquid come down my leg.
"Oh my God." I say outloud. My water just broke.

Hotch POV

This meeting is annoying and stupid. I hate these types of meetings. I should be helping Emily get ready for the doctor's appointment today. But no, I'm stuck in this stupid meeting.

Emily POV

This cannot be happening right now. I start looking in my purse, frantically trying to find my phone. Shit, I left it on my desk. I need to go get help. I try to get up, but the baby is pressing down on my blader.

I suddenly feel a huge pain, contraction. I start counting the time. Nobody is around, I need help.

Morgan POV

I'm walking with Reid to the elevator and he's blabbing about some scientific fact. I stopped listening a while ago. I press the button, when I turn around and see Emily sitting on a bench, holding her stomach.

I hit Reid's shoulder and point at Prentiss.

"Hey, Emily. Are you ok?" I asked.

"No, my water broke." She answers.

"How long ago?" Asks Reid getting closer to her.

"15 minutes." She says.

"Are you contracting?"


"How far apart?"

"7-8 minutes."

"Why didn't you try calling for help?" I asked.

"You try walking through labor pains." She answers.

"You said that your back has been hurting, is it worse lately." Asked Reid.

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