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Hotch POV

I went down to see the team and told them that they had the rest of the day off.

"Strauss just informed me that we have no cases for today. So you guys have the day off. I'll see you all tomorrow at 8 a.m. sharp." I said.

"Alright, party time. Hey Prentiss, why don't you join me and have some fun. We can go to the bar and get some drinks and dance a little." Said Morgan.

"No thanks I'm good. I actually have somewhere to be later on." Said Prentiss.

"Oh yeah, where do you have to be? Or with who?"

"Come on Morgan. Who else, Chris invited me to go to lunch."

She's going out with Chris. She's not even going to try to come talk to me about what happened last night. Fine, what should I care, I'll just go out with Beth.

Emily POV

After I brought up Chris into the conversation Hotch looked upset and fustrated. What's he getting all mad about anyway. He told me exactly how he felt this morning.

I started walking into the elevator when some said to hold it. I held my hand out, and Aaron walks in to the elevator. That's just perfect, the last person I wanted to see right now. The elevator ride was really awkward and quiet. I couldn't take it anymore.

"So you're just going to stand there and pretend that nothing happened last night?" I asked.

"It's not worth remetioning, ok. It was a mistake. It will never happen again." He says.

"It wasn't a mistake and you know it. You said you loved me, that you always have. How do you stop loving someone from one day to another."

"Because I was drunk Emily."

By then I was in tears. How could he just want me to forget everything. I love him, and he loves me too. And I'm going to prove it.

I looked at Aaron and grabbed the collar of his shirt and kissed him. At first he resisted but then he kissed me back. He was pressing his lips down on mine. I had my arms around his neck and he had his hands on my face. The kiss seemed to never end. And I really never wanted it to. I knew it was wrong but it felt so right. Then we heard *ding* the elevator opened.

"I knew you still loved me." I said smiling.

Then I walked away. That's all I needed to prove that Aaron Hotchner still loved me.


I met Chris at the burger place and we hugged.

"Hey. You don't look sick at all." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"You said that you felt a cold coming on so you stayed home."

"Oh yeah, I drank some Tylenol and now I feel better."

"Good, I'd hate for you to have been sick."


We were about to order but I saw 2 people I recognized. Aaron and Beth. Oh my God they came here too. Oh shit, I had to get out of here.

"We need to leave now." I said.

"But, why?" Chris asked.

"Because, I'm not in the mood for burgers and I'm not feeling well again. Maybe the Tylenol didn't help after all. Let's go." I grabbed Chris's hand.

We were walking out of the burger place when we bumped in to Aaron and Beth. Fuck my Life, some one just shoot me now

"Hey Emily. I haven't seen you in forever." Beth hugged me.

"Hey Beth, nice seeing you again. Always a pleasure. Uhhh I'm sorry I forgot to mention, this is my boyfriend Chris." I said.

"Nice meeting you. Hey Aaron, nice seeing you again." Said Chris.

"Nice seeing you too." Aaron shook Chris's hand.

Aaron looked at me with anger.

"Well we were just leaving, so nice seeing you both. See you tomorrow morning Hotch." I said.

"Of course. Goodbye Agent Prentiss."

God he was mad. He didn't even say Emily. He said Agent Prentiss.

Hotch POV

She's still with him. Even after what happened in the elevator she still went out with him. And she claims she loves me, yeah right. And I was about to break up with Beth to be with Emily. What  a fool I was. Thank God I saw that, I was about to lose a great woman.

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