Secrets From The Past

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Emily POV

I took the kids to my mom's because she wanted to see them, so Aaron got to work before I did. I stopped by his favorite coffee shop and grabbed him coffee and a piece of coffee cake. I went up to his office and gave him a kiss on the mouth.

"Morning baby." I said giving him his coffee and bread.

"Morning." He said in a not so happy way.

"Ok, what's wrong? What is bothering you?" I asked sitting on his lap.

He rubbed his temple. "My brother Sean called me, he wants to meet you and the kids."

"Ok, so what's the problem with that?"

"Because every time Sean shows up, he brings problems."

"So he's the bad seed of the family?"

"In a way."

"Baby, I know he stresses you out, but you can't hide from him forever. He is your brother. How about you invite him for dinner? I'll cook. That way I can finally meet him, he gets to meet the kids, and you two can catch up. You never know, maybe he's changed. Maybe he's not as bad as you remember."


"Good. I'll see you later." I kissed him on the lips, he kissed me back deepening the kiss.

I got off of him and left him alone with his thoughts.

Hotch POV

I was not happy about having Sean coming over. I know  for a fact that he'd never change. It just wouldn't happen. I didn't want him setting a bad example for my kids. And I definitely did not want him around Emily. Sean is a lady's man. Flirting with one girl to the next. And i know, if Sean started flirting with Emily i'd freak out. And i know i haven't trusted Emily in the past, but i do know. I just don't trust Sean.

Blake POV

I got out of the elevator and walked to my desk. I felt cold and alone. Ethan was running through my mind. This week was the anniversary of his death. And i was handling it worse this year than i did the rest. Maybe because i was with Rossi and he didn't know about Ethan.

That was eating at me, i didn't want us to have any secrets. I hated not telling him. I was just afraid, i didn't want him to get mad.

I sat down and rubbed my eyes, i shut them and took a deep breath. The smell of the hospital filled my senses. The hospital room. Ethan lying there with tubes in his arms. He was so confused, hell i was confused. I had no idea why he was there.

My little boy was dying and the doctor's couldn't even tell me what he had. All they could tell me was that it was some neurological disease. But this disease that my son had, had no name.

I remember yelling at the doctors telling them to find a way to save me son. James had to hold me back from fighting the doctor. My baby boy, he was so young. Only 9 years old when his life was taken from him. He was so smart. He was so small, but at the same time, he was so big. He was almost as tall as me when he died.

I fell apart when Ethan died. I stayed in bed all day, crying. I'd hold a picture of him and just cry. I stopped eating and took time off of work. There was a hole in my heart and my head. I couldn't concentrate, eat, sleep, get up, or even breath without Ethan.

Ethan was my pride and joy. He was my life. And the worst part was i didn't even spend much time with Ethan before he got sick. I was always working. It was around the time Strauss and I had that problem together because i had arrested the wrong suspect in the Amerithrax case.

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