Chapter 3

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Josephines POV

Ever since I ran into Kara and Lena I have been avoiding going to Noonans, which sucks because that was my favorite spot to just hang out besides the tree, they were really nice but if they knew I lived in an orphanage they would look at me different and I can't have my idol knowing that, Lena Luthor is the smartest person on the planet, everyone says she is mean and intimidating, I get the intimating part but she wasn't mean, she was really nice,

I was walking back from school now, I usually stay after to do my homework, yea I'll get yelled at for coming in late but I'm used to it by now, used to the beatings, used to not eating,

I was about to round the corner heading to the orphanage when I heard an all familiar voice

"Jo! Jo is that you?" I hear and look back and it's Kara. Great, I have done all I could to avoid her and now she has seen me,

Without looking back I run in the opposite direction so she wouldn't see me on the same street as the orphanage but I'm sure she did and it's the only thing on this street so now I know she knows,

"Fuck" I mumble sitting down against a tree and putting my head in my hands

Karas POV

That was odd, I called after her and I know she seen me but she ran, this isn't even the street she said she lived on, I needed to get back to catco but I wanted to figure this out first, plus I know Lena won't fire me,

I continue walking down the street I had seen Jo on, its quite empty, all besides one building,

The national city orphanage the sign read,

Is this where she lives? She told us her parents were on a business trip, I walked down the street the rest of the way and walked into the orphanage,

"Can I help you?" A lady ask as soon as I walk in

"Yea, I was wondering, does a girl name Jo live here?" I ask she sighs

"Josephine.... what did she do this time?" She ask

"Oh nothing, she was just really sweet when I had met her and wanted to see if she is available to talk?" I ask

"Well if she was here I would say go for it but she isn't, that girl is a trouble maker" she says and sits back behind her desk

"Why is she a trouble maker?" I ask, the girl I had met had been nothing but kind

"Always running off, and doesn't listen to a thing I say" she scoffs

"Oh, well thank you for your time" I say,

"I wouldn't listen to you either" I think to myself, that girl was down right rude,

I left the lady behind her desk and continue walking back to Catco

"Keira why are you late?" Ms.Grant ask me

"For the last time Cat it's Kara, you know her name call her by it, I'm sure she has a reason to be 45 minutes late" Lena steps in

"I had something I had to do I'm sorry I'm late" I say and continue walking to the office Cat had recently given me,

I walked in and Lena was right behind me

"Where were you?" She ask, people are scared of her and it's funny, she really is just a big teddy bear

"I seen Jo" I say and her eyes widen as she sits down

"Where? I thought she was avoiding us" she says

"Yea I think she is and I think I know why" I explain

"Jo lives in the national city orphanage and I think she is embarrassed and didn't want us to find out, especially her idol" I say

"So where she told us she lived she didn't and her parents aren't actually on a business trip" Lena says and I nod

"Exactly, when I seen her and she seen me she ran" I say

"Maybe we can talk to her" Lena suggest

"I don't know Lena," I sigh and her phone goes off

"I'm sorry Kara, we'll talk about this later?" She ask and I nod

"Of course" I say and she smiles walking out of my office

7pm rolls around and I had just finished the article Ms.Grant wanted me to do,

I got everything and walked to her office

"Here you go Ms.Grant" I smile And she is just smirking at me

"What?" I chuckle

"You and Ms.Luthor, I always thought you would make a good couple," she says and my face gets red

"What!? No Lena, I mean Ms.Luthor and I have nothing going on, we are just friends" I say and she continues smirking

"If you say so Keira, but Your lady friend has a crush on you" she smiles

"Lena? A crush on me? That's not possible" I sigh

"That's where you are wrong, ask her" she says

"Goodnight Ms.Grant" i smiles and shake my head walking out of her office and back to my apartment where I called Alex and told her to come over

"Kara!" She yells running in

"What's wrong? You said it was an emergency!" She yells

"It is, I need advice" I say

"Dammit Kara I thought you were hurt" she sighs and sits down on the bar stool

"Sorry" I say

"It's okay just next time specify what emergency" she says and I nod

"Well I have two,,, first off, Ms. Grant told me that Lena had a crush on me and I don't know how to feel about that, like she obviously doesn't so why would she say that!?" I sigh and Alex laughs


"You're so oblivious, Lena Luthor is in love with you" she says

"No she's not" I say

"Again, Oblivious" she smiles and I shake my head

"And the other thing"

"I met this girl, she is 14 and she lives in the orphanage downtown and I feel really bad for her because the conditions are not okay and I am totally writing an article on that place but Alex I think I want to adopt her" I say and Alex smiles

"I think that's wonderful Kara" she says

"You do? You think I can do it?" I ask and she nods

"I think that this girl would be blessed to have you as a mom" she says and I sigh

"Is this something you really want to do?" She ask

"Yea, it really is" I smile

Till next time❤️


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