Chapter 1 🖤

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Pain, darkness, loneliness surrounds us at all times in our lifetime. Our pain can be unbearable, but there's always someone, somewhere who would understand it. Fate sometimes has a very weird, fascinating and funny way to put the right person in our path. Scars stay imprinted on you forever. Scars don't erase, they are a reminder of our pain and desire for freedom.

I have suffered so much in life with my so called step-mother Grace that always treats me like an animal, and my step-brother Eric he is the one I truly hate. My father who doesn't care about anything anymore. He has changed ever since my mother tragically died in a car accident. It has never been the same ever since. I want to escape from this hell hole and away from his disgusting hands. It was late at night 12 a.m I was closing down my coffee shop and heading to my side job as a waitress of a very famous strip club. I hated wearing these clothes but I worked hard so I could escape this sad life I have been living. Hearing the dirty compliments as I serve drinks, always trying to touch me. I hate it is truly disgusting. It was really hard and late at night as I passed by a shady part of the city where you can find homeless, drunk guys, murders.

I turned the corner and I felt a huge relief when I finally saw a park with bright lights a few meters from me. I run over to the swings and swing myself over and over again. As I swing myself with my head back I suddenly stop swinging myself as I see a tall silhouette standing there watching me, observing me and my heart beats fast as if it will come out of my chest. It was dark and I can't really understand whom it may be, but it is definitely a man. I quickly get up from the swing and walk away with a fast pace and I can feel as if someone was following me. I soon arrived at a bus stop area and waited for my bus. The mysterious man soon stands in the bus area as well while smoking a cigarette. I would say he looks powerful, rich and a businessman. He was so well dressed and I couldn't help but notice how attractive this man was and his chest that was exposed showing his well formed collarbone. His eyes.. He had the most beautiful eyes but at the same time very dangerous. I know I had to be careful.

The color of his eyes looked as if they were the color of the ocean, bright blue and dark black hair. I stand as far away from him as possible but still seeing him from the corner of my eyes as I keep my guard up anything can happen. I had to be alert. I roll my eyes and sigh "Great, now I have to wait 20-30 minutes for my bus to arrive" As I was standing there quietly, the mysterious man was staring at me since I arrived. I continued to wait for my bus and ignored him but after quite a while I began to get annoyed. I rolled my eyes "Who the hell does he think he is" I soon turn to him and say with an annoyed tone "Will you stop looking at me?" and then he replies with "I don't recall looking at you, you must be imagining stuff sweetheart." I get even more annoyed and turn around facing my back to him and roll my eyes and think in my head "Ugh, sweetheart who is he to call me that" I soon feel a strong presence as if he was eating me with his devilish eyes. "Feisty, I like it" then silence is filled in the air once again. And he replies again "So, what's your name" "Are you ignoring me now, Should I keep staring at you and observing you until you turn around and talk to me again so I can see your beautiful face again."

I am officially annoyed. I think in my head "He is so annoying, what is wrong with him? Is he okay?" He replies "Hey baby" and I stomp my foot and say "Okay, that's enough I have had it" "Can you shut up and leave me alone, I don't talk to strangers and I would greatly appreciate if you would stop talking to me as I wait for my bus to arrive please and thank you" "If we tell each other our names we will no longer be strangers anymore" I reply with "Why does everything that comes out of your mouth sounds so stupid but interesting at the same time." He then laughs and replies with "I like your attitude" and laughs again. "Can you stop laughing it's annoying." He laughs once again and I cross my arms and stare at him with a deadly look as if I can kill him with my eyes and my eyebrows raised. And he replies with "I'm Elijah" and we just stared at each other which seemed like forever. I hear noise and a bright light it was my bus that had just arrived. I begin to walk to my bus before I can enter my bus. I hear a deep voice "Hey what's your name" and I think to myself and say "Well we won't see each other again so why not?" "It's Y/n."

He then smiles and run his fingers through his hair and gives a devilish smirk. I get on the bus and find a seat and open the bus window. I can see him looking at me from the outside and sitting where we can look at each other until the bus took off into the dark night until I could no longer see him. I begin to think "Who was that guy, and why am I wishing to see him again" and I take a deep breath. *Elijah's POV* I kept looking at her until I could no longer see her. I begin to wonder "When I decided to flirt with her, I was expecting her to be an easy girl and would try to seduce me back since I am who I am. No girl has ever rejected me and when she did it just made my desire for her want her even more. She was definitely something else. Something different.. I don't want it to just end now." *End of Elijah POV*

Elijah soon gets in his car with his 2 bodyguards in the car. Elijah then replies with "Mason" and Mason then replies with "Yes, boss?" "We need to locate someone, her name is Y/n" and Mason has a confused look on his face and replies with "A girl?" and Elijah replies with an annoyed tone and his arms crossed and says "Yes, Mason a fucking girl, what else an alien" "Ahm okay, Do you have any extra information other than her name? Details?" "No" Mason replies while taking notes and says "Alright boss, I will put Michael to get on it immediately." Elijah and Y/n side by side faces and looking at the bright stars and thinking that was the ending but hell were we wrong this was just the beginning...


This was the first chapter, I want to know your opinion about it is not as good but I will do better for the next upcoming chapters of this fanfiction. I hope you are enjoying it!

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