Chapter 18 🖤

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I arrived at the warehouse and came fast so I wouldn't be caught by Ricardo and Aaron they were hiding something from me and I will find out. I soon arrive and Rose was smoking a cigarette. "You can't go in there Y/n" "I'm sorry Rose" Once I entered my face went blank and pale. I saw blood everywhere and once I looked up I saw Elijah's bloody hands and bloody clothes. I was terrified. I have never seen this very aggressive side of him. He seemed so angry but it scared me at that moment. "I shouldn't have came." 

"Y/n come back" Elijah runs to me and grabs my arm. "Where are you going? I am going back to the main house, I shouldn't have came here." Ricardo and Aaron arrived as well. Everyone was watching both of you. You didn't want to make a scene. Ricardo and Aaron mumbled under their breath "Shit" "I want to be alone right now Elijah, we can talk later about this. I will head home." I ran out of the warehouse and into the car and drove back to the main house and headed to my room and to the bathroom and I splashed water on my face as I looked at the mirror. "What was that? Was that Elijah angry? I have seen him kill before and I had accepted what he does is for his family. But I was just in shock at what I had noticed. I was scared that one day that would be me if I did something wrong." 

*Elijah's POV* "Shit Shit Shit Shit" "I have to go back to Y/n and explain what happened. I don't want her to be afraid of me that would honestly break my soul and heart in pieces." I rushed back to the main house and headed directly to Y/n bedroom. "Hey.. Y/n can we talk?" No response. "Y/n we need to talk, please open the door." Suddenly the door opens and her back is faced to the window. Once I turned her around she was crying. That broke my heart in pieces. "Y/n please don't cry, I can explain" "Go ahead" 

Usually she would give me sass when she is upset but now she was listening to what I had to say. I took a deep breath and start to explain and she stayed quiet the whole time. "Then why didn't you just tell me, why keep it from me?" "I was scared of how you would react. I was afraid that you would be afraid of me and not understand why I was doing this" "I would have understood you either way, I know you do these certain things to keep your family around you safe. I just feel betrayed that you kept this from me. It seems like to me like you don't trust me or feel confident to tell me these certain things." 

"I am sorry Y/n I will no longer keep things from you, I will honest with you from now on can you forgive me now?" I scoffed "You really think I will let you off that easy because if you do you are crazy." I grinned at Y/n while I pushed my hair back as she was testing me. She is giving me the taste of my own medicine and I loved it. 

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