Chapter 20 🖤

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Victoria was at my door. "What do you want Victoria" "I just want to talk" She lets herself in and you clench your hands of anger as you wanted to punch her so badly. "Now speak what do you want" "Ugh rude, so let me explain because I am sure you will have a lot to think about after I tell you what I need to tell you"

"So you may special because you are living under Elijah's care, house but don't feel special that is Elijah's cycle. Do you really think he would actually fall in love with you? Do you really think you are the only one that has fallen for his trap and charm? Every woman does. He has slept with so many women before you." You rolled your eyes as she said what she's saying. "He will soon get rid of you just like he did with the other girl" As she played with her nails while smiling.

I was irritated. "What are you talking about?" "You don't believe me do you?" "Anything that comes out of your mouth is disgusting and lies." "If that is really what you believe here is the proof." She hands you a picture and once I look at the picture I feel a shiver down your spine. It was a woman that was dead.. Blood everywhere.. "If you keep going you will end up like every other woman that has been with him. He is cursed; he kills them once he gets bored and bugs him.

He will make you disappear within seconds." I couldn't believe my eyes there was no way Elijah would do this but the picture looked too real to be fake.. "That is something you should think about. Is your life more important or your dear Elijah? If I were you I would just leave before it's too late. Think about it sweetheart" Victoria leaves and I fall on my knees in disbelief. I was scared but I didn't want to die.. I have to leave. I can't be here any longer or else I will end up like them... I soon start to pack as much clothes as I can before Elijah arrives because once he arrives it will be too late to leave.

I will die. I slowly and quietly left the room so I wouldn't be caught and left outside the back door. I left as fast as I could. *Elijah's POV* "Yes" "Boss this is Charlotte, Y/N has left she is not in her room and I checked if there was any clothes and there wasn't any clothes boss. Every body guard is outside looking for her. I just wanted to inform you." "Thank you." "I will be on my way already" "Shit Shit Shit Shit Fuck Fuck" Y/N is overreacting over our argument she decided to leave. But once I find her she will be hearing a word from me.

I started to walk away and I suddenly started crying because I was scared but I missed him already. I felt so bad but I didn't want to die because.. I have fallen in love with him.. it's not my fault. I can't control my feelings. Nobody can.. Is it so wrong that you have to be killed because you develop feelings.. An hour passed and Elijah still hasn't found me. It suddenly started raining. I didn't bring an umbrella.. so I decided to stand outside of a store so I wouldn't get wet.
*Elijah's POV* I began to drive around to find her it has been an hour since she left. "Where are you Y/N" Suddenly a silhouette very familiar caught my attention. It was Y/N. I took out my umbrella and headed towards her. "Y/N let's go home." "I am not going home with you." "Yes you are either the nice way or the hard way you decide." He suddenly grabs my wrist and puts me in the front seat. I didn't put on my seatbelt because I was upset. "Put the seatbelt on Y/N" "No" "Put it on" "Stop acting like a child" I put on the seatbelt and we headed home and I ran upstairs and he was behind me. "Don't turn your back on me, we need to talk." "Alright let's talk.."

What will happen next? Will it end bad for both Y/N and Elijah?
What are your thoughts?
See you in the next chapter! (:

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