Chapter 42 🖤

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"BOSSSSSS! NOOOO" EVERYONE THE BOSS HE IS STILL INSIDE THE BUILDING LET'S GO" As we all ran to the building it was still on the fire there was no way we could get close to the building. I slowly stand there and fall on my knees and put my head down on the floor and hit my head on the floor over and over again.

"I have to get the boss out of there" "No James, it is too dangerous" "No let me go" "No, let me go before I kill you, the boss saved me and he stayed in the building and you expect me to just stand here doing nothing" "Let's stop arguing and try to calm down we will do everything to find the boss okay?" Someone has to go to Y/n and comfort her. I am pretty sure this will be on the news. "I will do it" *End of James POV*

As I was still at home worrying but I was doing everything to take my mind off it. I was doing the laundry and folding my clothes as I was watching TV. "Emergency news, there seems to be a sudden building caught on fire as a sudden bomb was activated. Is this the work of the infamous biggest mafia gang in our city? We will come back as soon as we get more news" I slowly begin to walk to the TV and look at the building more carefully and realize it was Elijah..

"No no no this can't be right, this can't be happening. This must be a mistake. Elijah can't be dead, there's no way." I dropped the clothes on the floor and began to cry out loud. "No noooooo ELIJAH" "Y/n sweetie please calm down" "No noooo I can't Elijah is dead. He is dead dead dead. Oh my god" I felt as if my world was falling into pieces as if the world was against us being together. *Charlotte's POV*

"James please come here to the main house Y/n is out of control I have tried to calm her down and please get someone to pick up Danny and take him to Elijah's parents. Please come quickly" I run upstairs and try everything to calm down Y/n.

"Sweetie Y/n you need to calm down this is not good for your health, I am sure they will do everything they can to save or find Elijah. Please calm down" "No Charlotte he's dead but I can't believe he's gone. He's still alive and I will go find him myself. Please let me go please" "No Y/n you can't go it's too dangerous" "Please please Charlotte" "Come here"

I grabbed her tight as she hugged me and cried as much as she could. *End of Charlotte's POV* As I was breaking down in Charlotte's arms I saw James come into the room. I quickly get up and run to James. "James, please tell me this is not real please tell me Elijah is okay tell me you guys have found him." "Y/n- we still haven't heard from him ever since the incident. We are doing everything we can to find him Y/n"

"James that's not the answer, he's not gone I know he isn't he's still alive so I will go find him myself. Why didn't you protect him? Why did you leave him by myself? He promised me that he would come home to me." "Y/n you can't do that it's too dangerous" "No James let me go, I have to go" "Y/n please" He hugs me as I couldn't handle the pain of thinking I might have lost Elijah.

"I will do everything I can to find Elijah okay Y/n I promise" I cried and cried in his arms as I couldn't anymore. "James what will we do, she can't be like this. This is too much for her to handle." "I know we are doing everything we can to find him but there's nothing. Not even a body.. But I don't want to believe he's dead.

He's still alive, we just need to find him. Make sure to look over Y/n and make sure she's calm at all times and she can't leave this house. It's too dangerous for her to be out there. *The Red Skulls POV* "Boss, as expected the building collapsed due to the bomb and it seems like Elijah is dead. I have also found out that they have a child together. His name is Danny. I am pretty sure he will be the next heir to the gang since his father is dead."

"A child together?! Damn it. Wait- this is actually good no this is great, everything is going according to the plan now. The next plan is that we will invade everyone to join our gang as revenge and I will finally have Y/n in my arms and we will take her child and I will raise it as my own and I will make him the heir of the Red Skulls. Wait very soon Y/n I will finally have you in my arms and I will make you forget your precious Elijah" *End of The Red Skulls POV*

As I sat in the bathroom letting the water hit my body I want to get out of this nightmare and have Elijah in my arms again. I begin to punch the wall of anger as I wanted to get out of this nightmare I can't be living this. Elijah has to be alive he promised.. he promised me.. Slowly I began to get dizzy and my eyes felt heavy and I began to see dark as I fell on the wet floor. "JAMES GET ME A DOCTOR Y/N FAINTED HURRY" "Oh Y/n sweetie please wake up, let me wrap you up oh my god."

As I couldn't clearly hear I can see blurry James and Charlotte taking care of me. "James we have to get her to the doctor" "I know and I have called Doctor Sarah she is waiting for us at the gang's hospital with the bed ready get me some alcohol or something strong to wake her up" "Y/n wake up come on" As I saw her laying on the bed unconscious I began to think about Elijah."

"Elijah man where are you Y/n needs you, she is slowly dying without you here" As we were arriving at the gang's hospital we quickly took Y/n to a bed so the doctor could stabilize her as she wasn't waking up. "Make sure you do everything you can Doctor." "Yes I will" As a few hours passed by I was waiting for news of Y/n. Soon a doctor shows up.

"How's Y/n doing? Will she be okay?" "The truth is she is doing really bad, her emotional state is all over the place, she isn't eating well and she isn't doing good in general. I was able to stabilize her but she needs to take care of herself because she's pregnant James" "She is pregnant.. Oh Elijah we have to find you so you can meet your child." "As soon as she wakes up make sure to notify me as soon as possible."

"Will you tell her the news or would you like me to do it?" "I can't handle to do it, can you do it?" "Yes I will do it, but make sure she rests a lot and is calm at all times for the baby.." "Yes Doctor" "Oh Elijah you have to be alive, please buddy I need you, Y/n needs you. Danny needs you. Everyone needs you, your unborn child needs you.."

How will Y/n react to the sudden news?!
Is Elijah dead or alive? ):
See you in the next chapter ):
I decided to put the song since it's my favorite anime song at this moment, but it just fits the mood you know? ):

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