Chapter 44 🖤

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"You-u-u-u" The guy ran up to me and covered my mouth. I fought and fought but he was stronger than me and slowly my eyes were getting darker and darker and slowly I passed out. *James and Rose POV* "Did you take care of everyone else?" "Yes, did you?" "Yes I took care of everyone else" "Y/n is missing. She is nowhere to be found."

"Shit! Shit! This attack was to distract us so they can kidnap Y/n. Get Michael to locate Y/n now!" As I was slowly starting to wake up I felt dizzy and I began to realize I was in a dark room and I couldn't move my arms. They were tied behind and my legs were tied.

I begin to move around and move around until I hear a voice in the dark room with me "I wouldn't do that if I were you sweetheart" "Who's there?" The dark silhouette begins to walk slowly towards me, beginning to show who it was.

"Hello sweetheart, missed me?" He whispered that inside my ear while standing behind me and kissing my neck. "Get away from me, don't fucking touch me asshole" "Mhm, I guess you are still hurt about me killing your precious Elijah is that so?"

He says that as he grabs my chin to make me look at him. "Well don't be angry, you have me now. You are mine now. I did this for you, for us. He's not good for you. He will never be enough for you. You were mine and he took it away from me. I did this for us."

"I was never yours and Elijah is enough. I love him. You WILL never be anything like Elijah ever. Not in a million years" He punched me.

I looked down at the floor as I began to bleed from my nose from the punch. He laughed and laughed as he realized he made me bleed. "Oh love, did I hit too hard? Oh I made you bleed. What would Elijah's face be like if he saw you like this? A whore that was beaten by me huh?"

"You can hit me, torture me as much as you want but I will never look your way, I will never pay attention to you, I will never love you. You disgust me. Your presence disgusts me. You are truly disgusting doing all of this."

"Stop saying that, stop stop stop!" He grabs my shirt and slaps me and he was about to punch me on the stomach as I covered it by putting my head down. "Ohh I understand.. now this is the news I wanted to see and hear" He laughs and laughs as he looks at me and plays with his knife in his hand.

"You are expecting a child.. Elijah's child.. another child.." I looked up at him with a shocked face. How does he know I have Danny? Oh he has been watching me oh no. Danny..

"That is truly interesting, very interesting. This is great. Not only did I kill your precious Elijah. I will take you, Danny, and his unborn child and his people all for myself. Now isn't that sweet revenge?

I will start my next part in the plan which is I will make a deal with your people if they accept it I will accept them in the Red Skulls and I will raise your children as my own as the next heirs of the Red Skulls and if they don't accept it you will simply die.. Now that sounds like a good deal to me doesn't it love?" I looked at him with disgust as I was slowly trying to escape from my hands to get set free.

"Oh now look here I will be gone behave well before I decide to just kill you here easily."

As he touched my chin and exited the room I had to leave this room and help everyone else. They can't be put into danger because of me. *Eric & James POV* "Hello James"

"Eric" "You know me that's great, I don't have to introduce myself anymore. I called because as you already know I have Y/n with me. I am willing to make a deal with you.

I will give Y/n back to you guys if you accept my offer to join the Red Skulls and if you decline, be sure there will be consequences as Y/n will lose her life. Meet me at your area where you accept dealings. I will meet you there and you will give me your answer. I will see you very soon James"

"Is Y/n okay?" "Oh she is better than okay, would you like to hear her? Let me put her on the phone for you." *Y/n's Screams* "Stop, stop. Okay I will meet you there" "Very good choice James very good choice. I will see you very soon." *End of Eric's and James POV*

As a few minutes passed by I wanted to see if it was clear and I continued to try to untie myself and finally with a lot of tries I was finally free from my arms and I untied myself from my feet.

I slowly checked if anyone was around and tried to find a weapon to defend myself with to get out of this house. As I saw no one I slowly and quietly got out but soon someone grabs me and I start to fight back but as he tries to choke me I grab my knife and stab him on his neck and he drops.

I begin to run away to the area where they do the dealings for the gang. Hopefully I don't get there too late. I will finish this once and for all.

What will happen next? Will Y/n get there in time to save everyone?
See you in the next chapter (:

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