Chapter 32 🖤

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"Boss we have a problem" "What is going on, is Y/n home yet?" "Boss.. Y/n was kidnapped and Aaron was shot. We were attacked out of surprise" "Y/n was kidnapped?! What the hell. How is Aaron?" "He doesn't look too good, he is unconscious at the moment but he is losing a lot of blood. I am at the moment driving to the warehouse where the hospital is located. I will be in the warehouse and we will do everything we can boss to save Y/n"

*Elijah's POV* I completely lost it when I heard that Y/n was kidnapped.. she was in danger.. I will do everything in my power to get you back. I will kill those sons of bitches that messed with what's mine. *End of Elijah's POV* As I started to slowly open my eyes and regain consciousness again I saw a light coming from under the door but I couldn't see anything since it was dark in the room and I tried to move but I couldn't because I was tied to the chair and I had my mouth covered.

I felt pain on my face from the punch I received. I tried to get myself untied but suddenly I hear a voice. "Oh finally you are awake, what are you the sleeping beauty?" I make muffled noises. The person gets closer and removes the thing covering my mouth. "It's me" "Victoria, what are you doing here help me" She begins to laugh.

"Do you really think I am going to help you? Don't be a damn fool I was the one that kidnapped you do you want to know the reason why you are in this situation? It was because you didn't listen to my warning the first time when I told you to get away Elijah."

"You are really delusional. You are doing this to me over someone that has never loved you or showed you any affection of any sort ''''Shut up Elijah loves me" "He clearly doesn't, you are the fool if you think you can make Elijah love you when he clearly wants you out of his sight all the time." "Look I have been nice enough to let you live for a few more minutes considering I could have blown your brains out by now"

As she was distracted talking this whole time I was managing to untie myself from the ropes. I was almost done. Done. All I need to do is distract her and take the gun from her and threaten her with it. "Then go ahead, you won't do it but just know if you do Elijah will never love you the way he loves me. He will hate you just like he already does" "Shut up Shut up." As she was getting mad I suddenly got up and took the gun from her hand and point it at her.

"Don't move" "What do you think you are doing bitch" "Doing what you did to me" As he tried to grab the gun from me I grabbed her hand and punched her in the face which managed to knock her out. "I have to get out of here as fast as I can." As I was running around trying to find an exit in this abandoned building which was huge. I suddenly hear a voice "Now, where do you think you are going" I suddenly stop and my heart begins to race I knew exactly who it was.. I begin to run but he managed to catch up and he grabs me by the neck and pushes me to the wall.

"I asked you a question now answer it, where do you think you are going?" "That's none of your business" as I gasping for air he then lets go of my neck. His lips get close to my neck which I felt disgusted. I tried to push him off but he managed to push me on the wall again but harder. I keep trying to fight and fight and then he slaps me really hard. "Stupid bitch stop moving, I don't want to keep hurting that beautiful face of yours now do I?" As he rubs my face with his fingers. I begin to get angry as he kept touching me and reminding me of all the horrible things he has done to me and my family. I would never forgive for him that.

"Why are you doing this?" "I told you, you can't get rid of me so easily you are mine and you will always be mine and I will continue to haunt your dreams and reminding you of all the things I want to do to you" He tried to kiss me and he manages to put his lips on me but I bit them which made them bleed. "Now why did you do that? Do you want me to kill you right here right now, as well as your dumb father as well huh?" "Leave my father out of this" "He doesn't care about you, nobody does expect for the idiot of Elijah but I will soon take care of that little problem so he can stop getting in my way of my plan after I care of that little scumbag you will be mine again"

"I was never yours and I will never be yours and you will regret it for messing with Elijah." "We will see about that darling" *Elijah's POV* "Have you found her yet?" "Still nothing, but I can try to see if her phone is still on and that way I can locate her location Boss" "We have to find her quickly" "Boss! I found her this is the area she is located it doesn't give me her exact location but this is the area she is located. I have sent it to everyone already boss" "Thank you, everyone we will separate in groups to find where Y/n may be located understood?"

"Yes Boss" We quickly hurry to the place and we arrived and we begin to separate into groups to find Y/n faster. A few minutes passed and someone speaks into the microphone. "Boss, I found something you might want to check it out"

"Everyone let's go" We all head to the abandoned building. "Alright everyone, I will enter first. James you will be behind me understood?" "Boss it is too dangerous. I will go first with people behind me. It is too dangerous for you to enter. We will protect Y/n and bring her back" "No James, I will go in there as wel-" BANG BANG. I instantly look at the door I arrived too late.. "Y/N! NOO!"

Oh no! What happened?
Did they arrive too late to safe Y/n?
Will Y/n step brother get away with it?
See you in the next chapter (:

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