Chapter 43 🖤

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As a few hours passed by since Y/n collapsed she hasn't woken up since then. All we had to do was just to wait until she wakes up and see how her body reacts. Until I got any news from the doctor we continued to look for Elijah but there was nothing. No hope or Elijah in sight anywhere. We were not going to lose hope until we found Elijah. Our leader. Our boss.

"Rose, any updates on Elijah yet? Just anything?" "We have been getting more of our people to come and take out some of the damaged building to be able to look thoroughly to find the boss but still not anything or any sight of him yet." "Just keep looking for the boss, I am taking care of Y/n for the boss. She is not in great condition since she has found out the news about Elijah"

"Alright I will keep you updated about Elijah" As I was about to head out I got a call from one of our bodyguards that Y/n had woken up. I walked slowly to Y/n's room and she looked really pale and her eye bags were really visible. "How do you feel?" "I am feeling a little better but my head hurts."

"I know the doctor said you have to be calm at all times and you will remain in the hospital for a few days for supervision from the doctors." "I see, Where is Elijah?" James puts his head down and remains quiet. "James, where is Elijah? Is he at the warehouse? Has he come and seen me yet?"

"Y/n right now is not the time about Elijah he is fine" It hurt knowing I lied to her knowing we still haven't found Elijah for days now. "Y/n the doctors will come and see you I will come back later I will head to the warehouse and handle some business" "Mhm" "Hello Y/n are you feeling better? Any headaches?"

"Yes doctor, I just feel dizzy and my head hurts." "We will give you check-ups to make sure you are okay. But I do have some news for you." The doctor begins to pull up a chair in front of me and sits down with a serious expression on her face. "What is it, doctor?" "Y/n you have to take care of yourself better for your health and for what you are taking care of inside of you.."

"Inside of me? That is impossible, I can't be pregnant.." "You are pregnant you have to get better for yourself and for your baby that you are growing inside okay? I will give you some time alone okay call me if you have any problems call me." As the doctor exited the room, I was left alone with thoughts running through my head at full speed.

I am pregnant..? Where is Elijah? As I remembered what the doctor told me I have to take care of myself and for the child I am carrying inside for me. It's something Elijah would've wanted.. As a few days passed of me being observed by the doctors they had let me go so I can go home and rest more.

The doctors had warned me to stay calm and watch my health especially more since I am carrying a child inside of me. Doctor Sarah had told me she wanted me to come in a 3 days for my check-up to check how the baby is doing. As we arrived to the main house it felt very empty.

Danny wasn't around but I didn't want him to see me like this he was at the moment at Elijah's parents household. It felt empty since Elijah hasn't been around ever since the incident. I will do my best to care for both of my kids for Elijah. Again he will not be here to experience this pregnancy.

"Y/n how are you feeling? Would you like some tea?" "Yes Charlotte that will be fine thank you" "Right away, I will bring it right away" As I was laid down on the bed they did everything to make me feel better due to the situation that was going on.

As I spent my days resting I was slowly regaining my energy again but slowly I was filled with anger and sadness inside my heart. I felt as half of me was ripped apart of me and the one that should be blamed is Eric.. my step brother.. I hate him I hate him I hate him. I will kill him for this. I will kill him for killing the person I love the most in this world.

*James POV* "Alright everyone we have to do something about the Red Skulls they obviously tricked us and lured us to that location to kill the boss. Who knows what if they go after Y/n? Elijah's parents? Danny? The gang? We have to find information on where they could located so we can finish them once and for all."

"We will do this for Elijah. Myself and Rose will be going to take Y/n to the doctor for her check-ups. We have to be cautious for everything at this moment" Everyone nods their heads to agreement. We will do this for you boss. We will protect Y/n, Danny, your parents and the gang. We will not let you down.

As 3 days passed it was time for my check-up. Rose and James and a few other men had came with me to make sure nothing goes wrong. I had entered the room with Rose inside so I wouldn't feel as empty that Elijah wasn't by myself.

"It seems like you have been listening well. You and the baby are doing okay but your emotional state is a little bit out of it but I understand what's going on. But the baby is doing okay. Would you like to know the gender Y/n?" "No Doctor, I would like it to be a secret still" "Alright if you change your mind I will gladly tell you the gender Y/n" "Yes thank you"

Suddenly we began to hear gunshots. BAM BAM "Y/n stay here me and everyone else will take care of it." I stay put but I wanted to run to stay safer. As I was about to run to the door suddenly someone opens the door and stands there. I slowly looked at their feet and looked up until I saw their face and dropped my bag. "You-u-u-u.."

Who did Y/n see at the door?
What is going on?
Will something happen to Y/n?
Is this Eric doing?
See you in the next chapter (:

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