Chapter 26 🖤

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A few days passed since the phone call with my Step brother. It has been on my mind ever since but he must be planning something and it sounds like bad news. As I got ready and headed downstairs I saw Elijah sitting on his desk getting some papers ready and I saw the bodyguards walking around as if it was busy today.

I decided to ask Elijah what was going on so I headed to the door and knocked "Come in Y/n" I walked inside and he looked very busy. "What is going on?" "I got a call from my father that there will be a ball that important people will be attending and be present. So everyone in the gang will be present and you will be present with me as well."

"Oh a ball, that sounds very elegan- ME?" "Yes, I will take you shopping in an hour make sure to get ready by then Y/n" "Oh okay I- let me get ready then thank you Elijah." 20-30 passed by since Elijah told me to get ready but as I was finishing touching up my hair I hear a knock on the door. "Yes come in" Elijah comes in with a black leather jacket, grey shirt and black pants and his hair is slicked back. I looked up and down and he looked so handsome and this was the first time he was wearing an outfit that wasn't business attire and I couldn't deny the fact that I loved this side of him with this outfit.

"Do you like what you see?" He said that as he smirked at me from up and down while looking at my outfit as if he was undressing me with his eyes. "Oh don't flatter yourself" He laughed and got closer. "I like what I see, but you are very lucky we have plans. If not I would show you what I want to do to you at this very moment." I blushed and touched my face.

"Oh really well that sucks for you, but we have plans Mr. Elijah." But then I got closer to his ear and whispered "But you don't know the things I would do to you." I could feel the way his body reacted to my voice and I loved it. He smirks as he likes that I am provoking him. As he was about to touch me I ran to the door. "Uh-huh we have plans let's go" he looks at me as if he was defeated.

We headed to the car and we soon arrived. I felt very shy since Elijah was taking me to a very expensive and exclusive store. I was not used to this. As we arrived at the store, the owner came to greet us. "Hello welcome, is there anything I can help you with sir?" She said that as she looked at him from up and down with a smirk on her face totally ignoring the fact that I was right next to him. "Yes, I would like you to show me all the good dresses you have in this store please?" He looked so serious as he said that. Which made me happy.

"Yes indeed, right over here sir" A few minutes passed while he was waiting for me to choose my dress. I was looking around for dresses and they were all beautiful but a certain dress caught my attention and I was looking at the price and I was so surprised because of the price. How can a dress cost 8,000 dollars?! And I quickly put it back and look for more. Then Elijah comes up to me from behind and gets the dress that caught my attention and brings it to the cashier so it can be ready to be paid for. "Elijah what are you doing?" It is too expensive.

I can get something very simple, you don't need to buy it." "Y/n I know you want this dress, I saw the way it caught your attention. Don't worry about the price, I can buy this whole store if I wanted to." He said that with a smile on his face. I felt so bad but he left me with no choice and he paid for it. "Thank you Elijah" "No need to thank me. You can have anything you want and I will get it for you."

I smiled and looked down as I got nervous. "Elijah, do you have a suit for tonight?" "Uh actually I was planning to use one I have at home why?" "Let's go get you a suit and I would like to choose it for you" "Mhm, I see you want to choose my suit for me now." "Yes now let's go" We headed to a store where there were suits. I picked out a couple of suits that I thought would suit him. We tried every single one until there was one that specially fit him so perfectly, he looked so perfect. "That's the one, it's perfect." The lady that owned this store agreed and said "Yes it's perfect, any lady would be lucky to have him as she put her hands all over him.

Was she actually serious? "Yes, she is very lucky, am I right honey?" Elijah looked at me so surprised but with a smile on his face and I smiled at him while fixing his suit and the lady looked at me as she rolled her eyes. We headed home and I got upstairs and I heard a knock on my door "Yes come in" "I see at the store, you got jealous" "Don't flatter yourself, I was not jealous. I was just letting her know" "Mhm, no need to get jealous I am here, I am yours and you are mine."

He said that as he grabbed my chin to make me look at him as he placed a kiss on my lips. "Make sure to get ready in a few hours we will be heading to the ball." "Yes" Let's see how this night goes at the ball. It's my first time at a elegant ball. We will see how it goes..

See you in the next chapter (:

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