Chapter 5 🖤

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As we arrived at the warehouse, it was a very fancy place that was in a very private area that was locked down with big gates. As we entered there were people all over around smiling and laughing and smoking, having the time of their lives. Elijah then whistles that catches everyone's attention. "I would like to present you Y/n she will be joining our gang" As everyone is looking at me I notice the members were smiling and waving hello, but I notice and catch one unpleasant look from a girl that was smoking looking at me with a very dirty look as if she can kill me with her look.

Elijah then calls one member at a time so they can present them to me." "Rose come over here" "Yes boss" "I would like you to meet Y/n" "Y/n this is Rose she is one of the members of this gang she works in the area where she flirts with men to get information on rivals around us or details on certain things." "Hello Rose, it is a pleasure to meet you" "My pleasure is mine girl I will be seeing you very often we will definitely become very good friends." 

"James come over here" "Yes boss" "This is James you have already met him but he is my right hand in everything and he is the 2nd in charge whenever I'm gone. He works in the gun area and shipments." "Hello James" "Welcome Y/n" "Mason, Ricardo, Aaron come here" All of them reply at the same time. "Yes boss" "This is Mason, Ricardo, Aaron" "Mason works in the bomb area. He can stop bombs in dangerous situations and can make very powerful bombs when needed for missions." "Hello, Y/n" "Ricardo works in the Hitman area they kill any members that can put our family in danger." "Hello Y/n" "Aaron works as my personal bodyguard and helps out in other work areas." "Hi Y/n nice to meet you" 

 "Lastly I will present you Sarah & Michael" "Sarah is our personal doctor since we can't go to public hospitals" "Hello sweetie whenever you feel unwell you can meet me at my office." "Michael is our technology expert. He can hack anything and search up anything you name it." "Hello if you need to find anything make sure to let me know." Elijah then looks at me and faces me "So what do you think what is your choice?" "Everyone seems like really nice people. I choose to stay in the gang" ''Great choice, Y/n I will take you back to the main house so you can rest. I will be taking care of some business here." " I have a quick question: who is that?" "She is Victoria she is a childhood friend she isn't in the gang but does help us when needed." I begin to wonder was that his girlfriend? Has he done intimate things with her?" I suddenly felt a sense of jealousy. I shouldn't feel this way I mean nothing to him.

This chapter must have been boring but I wanted to introduce new characters to the story and their roles now let's move on to the next chapter of this story! (:

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