Chapter 36 🖤

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As it has been a few weeks since I have left the main house. It has been a rough couple of weeks of me not knowing anything about the gang and Elijah.. But I wanted to protect them. It may seem selfish but it seemed like the right thing to do... I have been doing my best not to run to the main house and be in Elijah's arms once again but that choice was impossible as I didn't want anyone getting hurt because of me.. This was the best choice.

As I got ready to go work at a new company I have applied at due to the fact that I couldn't return to the coffee shop since I am pretty sure Elijah will keep his men around that area to see if I will show up there. *Elijah's POV* "Has there been any updates on Y/n yet? Her whereabouts? Anything?" "No boss, I have told people to put men on guard around the coffee shop where Y/n would work in case she shows up there, Michael has also tried to call the number but it looks like it is out of service and he tried to locate her last whereabouts before the phone was out of service and we haven't made or found any updates or progress regarding Y/n boss" I suddenly grab my chin and grunt. "How is it so hard to find a simple girl"

*James and Rose POV* Elijah suddenly gets upset and throws the pile of paperwork of anger and walks out of the room. "Jesus, the boss can't keep going on like this, it will affect the gang he is the leader we need him.." "I know but you know what Y/n meant to him, he changed a lot ever since she came into his life.. Actually all of our lives she is part of the family now, that is why we need to try to keep the boss in check while we are still looking for Y/n got it?" "Yes" "Where are you Y/n?" *End of James and Rose POV*

*Elijah's POV* As I head to my dark bedroom I walk slowly to the big window and look outside with a lot of thoughts inside my head. "Where is Y/n? Why did she leave? Was she not happy here? Was she not happy with me?" I walk to my bathroom as I wanted to splash water on my face to calm down I look at the mirror and I suddenly feel as I can see Y/n on the mirror. "I must be seeing things I look down and splash water on myself again and look once again at the mirror once again I see Y/n in the mirror. "I didn't love you.. I left you because I felt unhappy you made me unhappy. You made me feel worthless. I didn't love you I left you"

It repeated that over and over again. "That is not true, she loved me and I loved her.." It kept repeating it and repeating I get angry and suddenly let out a scream "That is not true!" I break the mirror. I gasp for air and slide on the wall as I grabbed my head out of frustration. "That is not true." *Charlotte's POV* "I am worried sick for him, Y/n meant a lot to him and her not being by his side or not knowing anything about Y/n will end up hurting him more and more if we don't end up finding her fast I should make him his favorite tea that should calm him down"

A few minutes passed "Elijah, sweetie are you awake? I have made your favorite tea, it should calm you down please make sure to drink it" I receive no answer. *End of Charlotte's POV* As I was finally getting out of work I was so tired and drained. Elijah is always in my mind. I worry about him, I miss him. I miss being in his arms and seeing him everyday. I arrived at home as always feeling empty inside as if I was missing part of me. I miss him..

What will happen next? Wil they be able to get together again? Will Y/n be able to find her again?

See you in the next chapter (:

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