Chapter 40 🖤

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As a few days have passed since Elijah found out about everything he made sure Danny was happy every day and spent time with him whenever he could. He was so far the best father to him. "Buddy I have a surprise for you, close your eyes and open them when I tell you to okay?" "YES" As we entered Elijah had finished designing Danny's room just as Danny wanted.

His dad was already spoiling him. "There you go buddy, you can open your eyes now here's your surprise." "OH CARS, THERE'S CARS EVERYWHERE" "Yes buddy, I hope you like it" He begins to jump on the bed of happiness. "THANK YOU DAD" "You're welcome buddy" "Oh Elijah you didn't have to do all of this" "Y/n you guys are my family now. I did have to do this" He suddenly looked at me and smiled while kissing my forehead.

"Y/n my parents and the gang will be coming today. I haven't told them the news about our child together but they know about you coming back" "OH suddenly? I should probably get ready then for the family dinner, we will see how your family and the gang reacts to the sudden news" ''Yes" I look at Elijah and pretend to fix his shirt while I steal a kiss from him and I run away.

He smiled and shook his head. I know he loves being soft, he just acts like he's a very serious man. As I was getting ready I began to get really nervous on how Elijah's parents and the gang would react to the news of our child together. I know I always had a good relationship with them and everyone but I am still very nervous. It feels like I am meeting them for the very first time. An hour passed and they were coming as I was finishing Elijah knocks on the door.

"Come in" "Are you almost ready?" "Yes, just the last touches" "You look very beautiful Y/n" "Thank you Elijah" "Elijah I am nervous, I am not sure how your parents and everyone will take the news" "Don't worry Y/n my parents love you, and the gang loves you especially my mother but you will be completely fine, I will be by your side. We are doing this together" He grabs my hand as he tries to comfort me and make me feel less nervous about tonight's dinner.

"Sir and ma'am your parents and everyone else have arrived" "Thank you Charlotte, we will be down in a moment" "Alright let's go, again you will be fine" I looked at him and gave him a gentle smile as he grabbed my hand. We headed downstairs and saw Elijah's parents and everyone. I suddenly felt a knot in my stomach as I felt like I was about to run out of the room Elijah grabs my hand to comfort me.

"OH sweetheart, how have you been? Are you doing okay? Has my son been treating you well?" "Yes Ms.Evans yes he has, I'm doing really well thank you. Hello Mr.Evans' ' ''Hello Y/n" "Hello everyone I am glad we got together to have this dinner." Everyone began to smile as they saw me. "Let's get seated and have dinner."

As we sat down and had dinner it was really nice to spend time like this with Elijah's family and the gang but a few minutes passed and suddenly Elijah tells his parents and everyone they have an important announcement to share with them. "Yes dear what is it?" "I have a child with Y/n '' As he announced the news Elijah's dad and everyone else was choking on their food to the sudden news and Elijah's mother and Rose began to scream and jump up and down and they ran towards me.

"Oh honey, congratulations we have a blessing that will be running around this house." "Oh my god girl congratulations I knew you and Elijah would tie the knot together!" Yes, congratulations now. Where is the child?" "He is here Ms. Evans" Charlotte brings Danny to the dinner table and Danny runs behind me and Elijah. "This is Danny, my son. Mother and Father" She began to walk up to him slowly and smiled.

"Hello sweetie I am Elijah's Mother Anneliese. But you can call me Grandma Anneliese." "Hello, who is that?" "Oh, that is Elijah's father Sebastian who is your Grandpa Sebastian" "Hello buddy" "Hello" He begins to get less shy and hugs his grandma and grandpa. "Who is everyone else in this room?" "Oh buddy this is the rest of your family" "This is Rose, James, Mason, Aaron, Ricardo, Michael, Charlotte which you have already met. And finally Sarah ''''Hi" and he runs and shakes everyone's hands.

"Now that we have finally met him Elijah you already know what this means son" "You have to get married to Y/n it is part of the gang's rule and tradition going way back and you will have to start training Danny as the next heir to the gang" I look at Elijah with a shocked face and he looks at me with a serious face. There is no way my son will be involved in the gang, I want him to be a normal boy in school and not involved in the gang life.

"Does he have to do it-" "Yes Y/n he has to be heir it is tradition and a rule in this gang" I look at Elijah as I was embarrassed that he interrupted me and answered me in an angry tone in front of everyone. *Elijah's POV* Oh crap, I am in trouble now after I answered that way. *End of Elijah's POV* He began to talk as nothing happened and I acted like I was okay as I was annoyed and irritated since he decided something we should have decided together as parents but he will hear from me after this dinner.

As a few hours passed everyone had left and I went upstairs and looked out the window. Elijah finds me. "Y/n we have to tal-" "Yes we do have to have a very serious talk actually. Why did you decide something that we should have decided together as parents." "Y/n it is tradition and he has to become the next heir of this gang once I step down, it is nothing new you should know that"

"I know but I don't want him involved in this gang life I want him to be a normal boy with a normal life not this life and we have a son now you have to be home with us, you have to leave the gang" Well there's nothing we can do about it now can we, he will become the next heir whether you like it or not and that is my final word on this topic and there's no way in hell I will be leaving the gang do you hear me?" There you go making choices without me"

"Well you sure have made choices by yourself for our son without me for a while ever since you decided to leave without an explanation now did you?" "Elijah! Oh why am I wasting my time on you when this conversation will not go anywhere. get out Elijah." "Y/n-" "Elijah either get out or I will, will you leave?" Elijah leaves without saying another word as he leaves with sadness in his face.

As I was about to turn around to apologize as I felt bad he had already left out of the room. This was our first argument ever since I came back. I felt really bad but he has to understand my choice but I also have to understand his point of view. His gang is his life and there's no way he will leave. I can never ask him to leave. That is very selfish of me to do, especially to him after everything he has done for me. I will let him cool down and I will apologize to him.

Oh it sounds like trouble for Y/n and Elijah. See you in the next chapter (:

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