Chapter 30 🖤

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As I woke up from my awful hangover from last night. I laid on my bed since I didn't feel better. It was a bad idea to drink so much, especially the amount that I drinked. I decided to take a relaxing warm bath to see if my hangover can go down. It would have been worse if Elijah did not give me the honey and lemon water from last night.

As I got up I looked like a complete mess. I went and got my bath water ready. As the water was warm I got in the water bath and I lay down and it felt amazing. I can fall asleep here. I play with the bubbles like a little kid and I giggle.

*Elijah's POV* It has been 2-3 days since the incident happened and from all the information we have grasped. We were sure we had a rat within us. We had to find them or it would put my family in danger and Y/n in danger.. "James, Aaron, Mason, Ricardo, Rose and Michael we will have a meeting in 5 get ready." "Yes boss"

As 5 minutes passed we were having our meeting to discuss the details between the attack. "Boss I believe they are after Y/n to get a reaction out of you" "I agree" "Michael any updates on sketchy behavior between the gang members?" "Boss, there hasn't been any sketchy behavior as of right now. I will keep an eye on everyone ''''Boss wouldn't it be smart to try to find the location of where The Red Skulls may be located" "Yes I agree"

"Boss, that would be impossible since The Red Skulls are good at one thing.. it's hiding. They are weak at defeating us since we have an upper hand with our manpower which is what they are weak with ''''Yes, as of right now we will continue to find and locate their hide spot and get any new information on The Red Skulls which will give us the upper hand once we decide to attack them." I sit down as I play with my pen while looking at the members. "Yes boss you are right" *End of Elijah's POV*

*Victoria's POV* It was dark and I waited in a dark alley so I could meet up with these idiots to discuss a certain topic with him. "About time that you came you idiots, did you really think I would wait all night for you, so did you bring what I asked for?" "Yes" "Let me see it" He hands me the gun and I look at it and laugh "That bitch will finally be out of Elijah's life for good since I will be the one to kill her" "I am sorry I came late" I look at him "Why did you come so late you imbecile" "Don't talk to me like that before I decide not to help you kidnap my useless step sister"

"Ugh whatever but you guys all you have to do is get her and kidnap her leave the rest to me, I want the bitch to know it was me and that she can't take Elijah away from me.. he's mine and will always be mine" "Y/n you shouldn't have left me, you were mine and now I will show you that Elijah was never met to touch you and keep you because you are my property and you will always be mine because I OWN you. I will be seeing you very very soon Y/n..."

Oh no What is happening? What will happen to Y/n?
Will Elijah be able to protect her from her nightmares?
See you in the next chapter (:

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