Chapter 23 🖤

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As we continued with our work for a while. We finally finished and my men headed to the warehouse to finish and work on any updates in the gang. I sat there in my office thinking and thinking. I soon head to the kitchen where Charlotte was cooking and cleaning and I sneak up behind her and before I was going to scare her she then speaks.

"Elijah will you really try to scare an old lady like that, besides I heard you coming already." I looked at her scared and confused. Did she have a third eye? How did she hear me? "What happened, do you need anything?" "No, well.." She looks at me confused and smiled. "Let's have a seat Elijah." I sat and explained my plan to her and she listened carefully and she smiled and giggles. "Oh Elijah that's such a beautiful idea she will love it definitely.

I smiled as I heard her comment. I knew I could count on her because she was like a second mother to me. "Can you do me a favor?" "Yes" "Do you think you can order me a beautiful dress that would look extremely beautiful on her" "Yes, I will get it right now I will make sure someone picks it up and I will bring it up to Y/n's room as you make the preparations." I smiled and ran and hugged her. "Thank you for helping me out and I will get everything ready" She smiles and pushes me to go. I smiled and headed to my office and prepared everything for her.

A few hours passed and I was bored in my room I had just finished reading a book it had a beautiful ending. Suddenly Elijah came in mind. I began to hit my head and cheeks as my face got red so I decided to take a bath to cool off. As I headed to the bath I was so relaxed I loved it.

A few minutes passed and I headed out and as I was drying myself I suddenly saw a box with heels and a note. "Get ready for me, We will be going somewhere today. Make sure to be ready in 10 minutes. I will be waiting - Elijah." I smiled at the note he's such a pervert. I opened the box and looked at the beautiful dress it was so beautiful and it was my favorite color.

I loved it. I suddenly freaked out and I looked at the clock. I was going to be late. I began to get ready and the time was ticking. 10 minutes were up. I was nervous for him to see me like this but I headed downstairs and I saw him downstairs waiting for me as he saw me. His expression changed so quickly it was adorable.

*Elijah's POV* As she headed downstairs there she was. She looked so beautiful she looked like a goddess from Heaven. That dress was perfect and made for her. I knew I could count on Charlotte. *End of Elijah's POV* I looked at him and he looked so handsome and smiled. "You look beautiful Y/n" "Thank you Elijah, where will we be going I was not expecting this."

"That's a surprise and you will have your eyes covered until we get there I don't want you to see the surprise yet." "Okay, but don't use this chance to do anything that's pervert okay Elijah" "Well now you gave me that idea might as well. Besides I can't promise you something that I can't keep love." "Elijah!" He laughs and he guides me to the car as we head to the secret surprise I was nervous and excited.. Elijah is very unexpected..

What is Elijah planning?
See you in the next chapter!

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