Chapter 2 🖤

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I had now arrived at the strip club after the crazy thing that just happened. I started to put on my waitress clothes getting ready to work. As I'm changing Anna rushes to me as if she just saw a ghost. "Hey Anna are you okay? What happened it looks like you just saw a ghost" Anna replies with "Omg Y/n you won't believe what I just heard I overhead the strip bar owner talk to that weird guy that is always looking for you and he was willing to pay 2 million dollars so he can sleep with you and have you all to himself" "What, are you serious? What a pig all the owner cares about his dirty money" ''Yeah girl please be careful and try to avoid him while you are working today." "Thank you, I don't know what I would do without you" Later that night I took Anna's advice and avoided him while he was at the strip throwing money at the strippers dancing the disgusting look he had on his truly made me sick to the stomach. 

As soon as I finished my shift I put on a trench coat to cover my body. And I headed out of the strip club and as soon as I was waiting for my taxi to arrive I soon felt a hand cover my mouth and take me into my dark and cold alley. There were no people around and I couldn't see anything but I could feel a hot breath on my neck and kissing my neck and touching everywhere. I felt disgusted. I was sure I was going to get abused in this alley. I kicked and kicked and punched to get off my body. He was too strong and I couldn't get him off my body. I suddenly felt dizzy; it must have been when he covered my mouth. My head felt light headed and my eyesight was  getting blurry. I realized it was the man from before that was asking for me and he whispers in my ears and says "Hey beautiful I have been looking everywhere for you. I paid 2 millions of dollars so you are finally mine, Now behave and let's have fun." 

Then I felt a strong presence and they removed the guy off me and punched him. I couldn't really see but I tried hard to see who it was. It was Elijah. He saved me. The guy replies with "Hey, pretty boy you ruined my fun now who do you think you are to disturb my fun?" Elijah replied angrily "She is my property" I think my head "His property?!" Does he think he can just own me just like that I don't think so" and Elijah replies to the man once again "If you don't get out of my sight I will blow your brains out and I will give you to the count of 3" Before the man can move and run away he shoots the guy in the head without any hesitation or fear in his eyes. "Yeah I wasn't going to count down" This man was truly dangerous he looks like he has killed before and it shows. I was terrified but I felt safe because he saved my life. I had to be careful and not say the wrong thing or I will go the same path as this guy right now. 

Elijah's bodyguards came out of the car and both replied "What happened" Elijah replied "I took care of business that was in my way, now James and Ricardo take care of it." Both replied "Yes boss" He soon came up to me and I flinched at his presence and his expression changed once he faced me. It wasn't cold anymore. "Are you okay" I replied "Yes" but then I lost my balance before I could touch the floor. I felt a strong hand wrapped around my waist and we stared into each other's eyes like there was no tomorrow. He picks me up so I can stand on my feet. After that the strip bar owner came out and was angry. "Who the hell is making all that noise and disturbing my business" and then he sees Elijah and me and he grabs me by my wrist with such force. Elijah grunts and says "Who are you" the strip bar owner was angry and replied back "I am owner of this place and the owner of this young lady I own her" *Elijah POV* I was angry that she is going through this dilemma alone. My blood is boiling at the thought of ANY man touching her that isn't me. *End of Elijah POV* 

"You don't own her, actually I will pay you 1 billion so you can leave her alone." The strip owner made a smile on face and he liked what he heard. "I'm glad you speak business as well, you can have her. She is just a whore with tiny clothes on her. Elijah's face changed. Elijah replies back "Very well, James go get the money" "Yes sir" James comes back with a big money bag and shows the owner the money bag and grabs me by his side behind him. "Y/n let's go" and Elijah makes a face at his bodyguards and says "Get rid of him" as I look back at his bodyguards and they grab his body and the money. Elijah puts me inside his fancy car and I wait for him. *Elijah & Bodyguards POV* "Boss what will we do with her" "Yeah boss, she has seen too much she will say something if we let her go" "Maybe we should get rid of her" Elijah smacks both the bodyguards in the neck "Idiots, I am the boss and we will not kill her if you lay a finger on her I will send both of you 6ft under got it?" James and Ricardo looked at each other very seriously and both replied "Yes boss understood" "Let's take her back to the main house and get her settled while we head to the warehouse."

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