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Jonathan pulled the blonde back inside

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Jonathan pulled the blonde back inside. They find Nancy sitting against a wall at the entrance hall of the gym. Jonathan strides towards her leaving Destiny a bit behind. Destiny really need a fix it was burning her to have some kind of relief. Her hands were shakey at any moment she would explode.

She wanted to feel numb she'd give anything to run out there and find the nearest substance. The other two sit in silence as Destiny paces around hands running through her hair. "FUCK... Fuck...I can't do this..I can't fucking do this..I can't " she slides down the wall in front of them her head in her hands as she rested her elbows on her knees.

Without another word Jonathan approached her handing her a lighter he had found back home the girl had probably dropped it. The girl looked up and grinned at the boy feeling at ease to at least have some nicotine to make her feel better. "Jonathan I could kiss you right now... thank you" she smiled jumping up to hug the boy. Destiny joked hugging the boy.

"Your off them again" Jonathan asked not wanting to pry but worried about the girl. She offered the cigarette to Jonathan who shook his head. He finally pinned point why the girls behavior was so off giving her a soft look as he joined Nancy's side again. He can tell by the way she fidgets and can't stay still that she was sober. He'd only seen her do this once and it only lasted a couple hours before she gave in to the pressure.

He wasn't aware how long his friend was doing substances much less for how long she'd been selling them. Yet, he wasn't dumb to the girls strange behavior when she's on them. The last time that really terrified him was when she was asleep in his car. She looked lifeless as he tried to wake the girl up luckily after a couple harsh shakes she jolted up. He never asked but he wanted to know everything about it. Why..why do you do them" Nancy asked wearily wondering the same thing as the boy next to her.

"They give me the feeling I searched for my entire life for...as long as I can remember..because suddenly the world goes quiet" Destiny answered the girl as exhales cigarette smoke. The other two felt their heart break as they listened to the girl who has now happily smoking wafting the smoke so the fire alarms wouldn't go off. It felt awkward what were they supposed to do tell her everything would be ok they couldn't even assure themselves that. They opted to sit in silence again just Destiny's inhaling and exhaling being heard.

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